Garroth please no... Chp one

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Hello hi I am the Kawaii story maker I am obsessed with Aaron he's my babe don't Judge me I will be making a art book so I hope you ship laurotth!! Buh bye potatoes

Garroth's pov

I am going insane.. My one and only love is with someone I'm hearing voices in my head
Heh you useless piece of crap you were to worthless to ask her now you should die cut yourself know one will ever love you. (Btw Garroth is living with Laurene know one else. NO! Laurence Herd me GARROTH WHAT IS WRONG!? N-nothing just um they uh ended my show y yeah.Are you sure? yes now please go.
O-ok. Skip to the next day. Laurence is out with Dante today I'm so tired I've been up so long. Cut yourself your not well enough to live she's gone for good. Thats it I took a razor from under my bed and cut myself three times each on each arm and one on my neck.I lost so much blood I passed out with the bloody razor in my hand. The last thing I herd was Laurence coming in my door and saying. G-Garroth!! DANTE HURRY CALL 911!! Garroth please no...

Laurence's pov

I was in the ambulance with Garroth and Dante I was holding Garroths hand. Dante why would he do this to him self Irene why. I don't know. Call Aphmau Aaron and just every one! Ok on it. Garroth please. As I was looking at Garroth I noticed a huge cut on his neck why Garroth just why did you hurt yourself.We arrived at the hospital every one was waiting out side the hospital they rushed him in on a stretcher I was running with them when a nurse pulled me back saying. I'm so sorry sir you can't go with him. No I have to I I I no. Aphmau saw a tear go down my eye and she said what happened Laurence Dante? Garroth is cutting himself Aphmau I I love him I can't loose him I crashed onto the closest person next to me and bawled my eyes out it was Aaron I felt so embarrassed. All my friends hugged me we sat down and we waited for two hours. Until a nurse came up to us and said are you mr Garroths friends? Yes well we ran some tests and he's going through depression. What?! From what? We don't know Aaron looked at Aphmau wait didn't Garroth have a crush on Aphmau? Oh my Irene this this is all my fault.. No Aph it's not. AARON HE MIGHT BE DEAD!! My closest friend might be dead because of me. The nurse came back you may go back room 209 I didn't even hesitate I ran the second after she said that. I walked in. He was awake Garroth I why? You scarred me. I'm sorry I. Before he could finish Aphmau ran in Garroth! Is this all my falt! No Aphmau it was mine for not asking you. We're just glad your ok Garroth.
Time skip to a week. His cuts are getting better I'm gonna ask him. Uh Garroth. Yeah Laurence. He was in his blue bed. Um I sat beside him Garroth I l like y- I was cut off by Garroth kissing me. I love you Laurence will you be my boyfriend? Depends can I say the word? No. Oh please? Fine only once. Sprinkles pfft. SPRINKLES!

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