Love Elevator 26 - Epilogue

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This banner was made by my bestfriend on wattpad, CoverMaker! I summon you ha-ha-ha :D

Thanks for making it for me, hun :D



I turned my attention away from them and looked at Libby. "Are you okay?"

"Never been better." She answered me. "I'm still sad, but at least they wouldn't bother me anymore."

I nodded and hugged her. "I wish that our marriage is true."

"It's too soon, Dom. But maybe if you want me to consider it, you should go to change your dress and wipe out the make-up. Because there is no way I will marry a transgender." She winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at her, but still what she wanted me to do. From now on, I bet things would get better!


Libby's POV

"Where are you going?" Dom asked me. Dang! I thought I've already tip-toed as quite as I can.

I turned around and looked at the sexiest werewolf in front of me. He was looking at me from our bed, with his slightly messy bed hair. He wore nothing except his boxers and I already got used to that. He looked so dang fine! It made me want to jump on him and kissed him senselessly. Don't think of something dirty, please! We never did anything, except making out. We just contently slept next to each other. I needed his hug to sleep, because I already got used to it. Besides, I also calmed his horny wolf from being agitated.

So, I guess we are even. This was a win-win situation.

I grinned at him sheepishly, "Just to the toilet."

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows at me. "For me, it looks like that you are trying to do something sneaky - again." He emphasized the again part. Well, that's true. This wasn't my first time doing this. Ugh! He always caught me, when I was trying to cover up something.

"Yes . . .?" I trailed off. It didn't feel right to lie to him. My answer became more like a question. He seemed to understand what I was thinking and shook his head.

"Is it safe?" He asked me and I nodded sheepishly. "Then do it, but leave me out of it." I giggled and went closer to him. I kissed his cheek and it made him smile. "You just can't stop doing that, can you?"

"Nope. But I suggest you to put your headphone on your ears." I answered confidently.

"Thanks for telling me beforehand." He answered sarcastically. "Then just go, I will go back to sleep. You can tell me about it tomorrow. Oh well . . . I'm very tired today. You are going to your favorite spot, right?" He asked me.

I nodded again and couldn't resist his lips. Before I went, I kissed his lips slightly and then went to where I am supposed to be. I looked at my watch and it was 2 a.m. Well, I still got a lot of time to do what I wanted to do.

After I finished doing that, I went to my favorite spot that he just mentioned. It was a tree in front of the house; it was a bit far but I could see the house and the activities going on inside it perfectly with my binoculars. Dom called it 'The Spy Spot'. You would know what that was for later. To make it more comfortable, Dom made me a small tree house and only the two of us knew about this spy spot.

Looking around, I could feel the breeze and enjoyed the night. I didn't have the good sight like Dom, but I could still used my other senses. Like smelling the smell of nature or hearing the crisp of the leaves. I looked at the time and I still had thirty minutes left.

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