Seven Days Before the Ball

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"Time to wake up, Shazi," a smooth voice said.

The small princess- only four years old- yawned and slowly rose out of her bed. The child was known for her energy, but Shazi was a drowsy, quiet girl until she ate breakfast in the morning.

"Good morning," her mother, Queen Nikoletta, said quietly. "How did you sleep last night?"

Shazi blinked slowly and shrugged.

"Alright, dear, let's get out of your nightgown and get you dressed. Your father and I have some news to tell you during breakfast!" Nikoletta said, smiling.

The princess simply nodded and pulled off her gold and red nightgown, decorated with orange and yellow maple leaves. Queen Nikoletta walked over to Shazi's wooden wardrobe and pulled out a scarlet and yellow dress, along with a golden headscarf. Shazi walked over and wordlessly put on her dress, turning around so her mother could button it. Once she was fully in her dress, Shazi wrapped her scarf around her slightly curled brown hair.

"There you go," Nikoletta said, "All dressed up. Why don't you grab your shoes and we'll go to the dining hall?"

The Autumnians were known for their magnificent tents, but the royal family spent a majority of their time in the palace at Oktuber, at least until the princess was old enough to use her magic to defend herself.

Shazi pulled on her tan shoes and slowly walked to the door. Nikoletta smiled fondly and pushed the wooden door open.

"There you go, Shazi."

The little princess nodded and mumbled a thanks, then began walking down the carpeted hallway to the dining hall. All along the walls there were intricate candle-lit lanterns. They sent pale red, orange, and yellow lights down the hallway. Servants and workers rushed down the hallway, busy as a new day started. Every time they passed Nikoletta and Shazi, they would bow and greet their queen and princess.

Finally the mother and daughter reached the dining hall. Decorated with detailed autumn-colored rugs and lanterns along the wall between tall windows, the hall hosted a long wooden table. It would be filled with guests and politicians during meetings, but for now the only people there were the Autumnian King, Caspar (at the head of the table), and Sam (at Caspar's left side), who served as both one of the king's advisors as well as Shazi's tutor.

There was a red and gold box sitting next to Caspar's plate, but Shazi took no notice as she sat down to the left of her mother, who took her place at the king's right side.

"Good morning," Caspar said cheerfully as his daughter yawned.

Shazi looked sleepily down at her plate, and her face lit up like the morning sun.

Her meal consisted of toasted bread, a small assortment of berries and vegetables, and small slices of turkey and ham.

Immediately she began to dig in, eagerly jabbing at the ham with her fork and taking large bites. Nikoletta chuckled as she began to carefully slice her own turkey.

"Good mowning!" Shazi said, her mouth half full. Nikoletta's smile wavered and she winced.

"Try not to eat with your mouth full, Shazi," the queen said gently. The princess nodded, swallowing before speaking again.

"What's in the box?"

Caspar smiled and rested a hand on the velvet box.

"Well, Shazi, you turn four years old in seven days," the king began. "And your mother and I- and Sam- agree that you are ready to have Autumn's conduit in your possession."

Shazi's eyes widened. Sam smiled at the little princess's amazement.

"Do you remember what Autumn's conduit is, Shazi?" they asked.

"Mm-hm!" Shazi nodded. "It's a wing! It's golden and has pwetty jewels that look like waindrops!"

Nikoletta chuckled to herself- Shazi still had difficulty with the 'r' sound, and her current lack of a front left tooth wasn't aiding her speech.

"That's right," Sam praised. Caspar nodded.

"You won't be able to use the magic until you're older," he explained. "But I think you're responsible to start carrying it. So, in one week, we will throw a ball to celebrate both your birthday as well as the conduit being possessed by its user."

Shazi smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Yay! I love pawties!"

"We'll work on getting you ready this week," Nikoletta said. "We'll try to have a new dress made for you in time to wear."

"Can I twy to dance?" Shazi asked. "I can pwactice with Sam aftew my lessons!"

"I think that can be arranged," Sam chuckled.

Nikoletta sighed and gazed fondly at Shazi, who began to excitedly devour her food once more. It would be a long week- Autumn was suffering without its conduit- but it would give the people something to be happy about.

And it was making Shazi so happy.

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