Ian Eastwood: I'll Take Care Of You- Atiqah

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-Ian's P.O.V-

I was back in LA, my third and last day teaching when I got a call from my girlfriend, Atiqah. "Hey babe, what's up?"

Atiqah: "Hey -cough- I miss you"

Me: I miss you too, you okay?

I heard muffled coughs and a sniffle.

Atiqah: Yea, just a little sick, but I wanted to hear your voice before I went to sleep

She had this cute little giggle before she coughed again her voice was low and horse.

Me: Aw babe, I'm sorry, wish I was there with you. Just hang in there, I'll see you soon.

Atiqah: -cough- it's okay, it's just a cold. I'm sure it'll pass by in a couple of days.

Me: Yea, I hope so. I'm gonna teach class now, you get some rest. I love you.

Atiqah: Have fun, I love you too.

With that, we hug up and I started the last class for the day

It made me sad to think of my baby alone and sick, sneezing and coughing. I was going to be in LA for another 3 days with free time so I decided to book an early flight to Malaysia.

Yes, my amazing girlfriend lives in Malaysia. She had taken one of my dance classes and she stood out to me. She was incredibly sweet but shy, it was cute. It took a little bit of work to get her to open up to me and when she did I just fell for her even more.


-Atiqah's P.O.V-

I don't know how long I had fallen asleep for, I feel like I was asleep for 20+ hours. My nose was red and stuffy, I hated it. My throat hurt and all the energy in my body was drained. 

I laid in my bed, looking out the window and just appreciating how comfortable my bed was..Although I wish Ian was around...Not that I would want him to see me all sick like this.

I closed my eyes again, absent-minded I fell asleep again.

When I opened my eyes I saw a bowl of soup on a table next to my bed and then he walked in. He held a box of tissues in his hand and smiled.

"Aw, look at the cutie that's finally up" he said. I wasn't sure if I was still asleep or my mind just really missed Ian.

"Ian? oh my god you're really here?" I gasped. He chuckled lightly, sitting on my bed and feeling my forehead with the back of his hand.

"Yea I am, right here with you. How do you feel?" He asked, placing his hands on his lap. I scooted back a tiny bit, I really didn't want to get him sick as well.

"Well, better now that you're actually here and..." I took a deep breath, realizing I could finally breathe through my nose, I smiled "I can actually breathe now haha"

"Aw, good, I'm glad"

"How'd you get here so fast?" I questioned. "Well, yesterday was actually my last day of teaching in LA and I had extra free days so I took the first flight here" He smiled adorably with a twinkle in his eye, Gosh he was perfect.

"Aweee you're the best." I lightly hugged him, I couldn't stand not being able to kiss my own boyfriend.

"Anything for you, you know that" He stroked my cheek gently before picking up the spoon in the bowl. 

"You want some? It's chicken noodle soup" He pulled the table closer to the bed. Focusing on my stomach I realized I hadn't eaten a full meal in 2 days.

"Yes please, looks and smells good" I smiled, as he took some of the soup in the spoon, carefully bringing the spoon towards me, one hand under the spoon in case some of it drips.

"You're gonna feed it to me?" 

"Yes, now open up" He said playfully. I fought the urge to laugh as he fed me some of the soup. 

After the first spoon I laughed out loud, covering my face with my sheets. "I can't believe you're actually feeding me like I'm a baby" I uncovered my face to see Ian laughing as well.

"Well, as your boyfriend it's my job to take care of you, especially when your sick." He took another spoonful of soup for me and fed me another spoon. 

"Okay I think I can feed myself from here, but thank you, you're the sweetest" I gushed, and he blushed, kissing my cheek lightly.

"How long are you staying?" I asked, wiping my mouth. "Uh I have 2 weeks off before I go to Germany, I'll stay for as long as I can" He took the bowl and got up. 

"Full? did you like it?" He asked, "Yes, it was very good" I complimented.

"Made by yours truly" He pointed to himself, laughing. "Gosh, is there anything you can't do?" I sarcastically asked.

"Nah babe, I can pretty much do it all" He winked as he left the room.


-Ian's P.O.V-

It took about 4 days for Atiqah to fully recover from her cold, I was glad it didn't last too long.

"Come on I wanna go outside" She was happy and fully energized, eager to go back outside after being stuck at home for almost a week.

"Alright we're going" I took her by her shoulders to keep her still, planting a kiss on her cheek, she instantly started to blush.

I laughed a little as I took her hand, lacing our fingers together. She took her keys with her other hand and we left her home.

We decided to walk to a large park that was close by. there were kids and other families lounging around and playing. There was a lake in the middle of the park where ducks and swans swam by.

"Ah it feels good to be back out" She took a much needed refreshing breath. I stood in front of her, taking her face into my hands and placing my lips onto hers.

We stood there for a couple of minutes, my lips moving against hers smoothly. I pulled back, her eyes still closed for a moment before opening them again.

"mmm" She hummed. "It's been way too long since I kissed you", she giggled, nodding.

"Yea, I missed those lips of yours" She tiptoed, pecking my lips again softly. I stroked her cheek with my thumb, "You're so adorable. I miss these moments." I admitted. 

"Yea, I do too, At least you're here now, so I'm happy" She hugged me tightly.

"I love you Atiqah" I whispered onto her lips. "I love you too Ian" I kissed her again, savoring the taste of her lips. 

I turned, holding her hand we continued to walk and talk about anything and everything. I wish I had more day with her. But soon, it'll happen and we'll always be together.

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