A Lie

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A girl and two boys were staring at him with wide eyes and open mouths as though he'd just dropped out of the sky - well he kind of did. That still didn't explain the pointed wands, but he supposed the people thought he was an intruder.
He lay on the leafy ground of a forest. The trees were rustling around him and the birds chirping - the only sounds for miles. He could barely hear his own breath.
Tom cleared his throat.
The green-eyed boy frowned and glanced at his two other companions then focused back on Tom.

"Wh-Who are you?", the boy asked. For some reason Tom thought the boy already knew that.

"I'm Tom," their eyes grew even bigger and so Tom's suspicion was confirmed: They feared him. Trelawny seemed to have said the truth when she told him he'd be at the peak of his power. They were afraid of him.
"Tom Riddle," he said confidently, throwing away the alternative of lying to them to hide who he was.
"If I were you, I'd put these away," Tom said pointing at the wands.

Tom guessed one of the boys must be Harry. One of the boys was supposed to be the one whose help Tom needed according to Snape, but a danger -also according to Snape.
They all looked harmless, though they looked like they'd been out here for weeks if not months.
All of them backed away, wands still at the ready. They seemed really in shock.

The girl spoke first. She looked at the green-eyed boy.
"Your scar. Does it hurt? Is he a memory?" her voice was shaking.
The green-eyed boy shook his head "No for both." he looked at Tom as though he'd gotten an idea and then he shouted a spell:
Tom was too slow. He was distracted. A memory ? What did she mean, how could he be a memory and why would a scar Harry had, hurt ?
These questions threw him off his guard and he couldn't react. Everything started fading away before his eyes. Memories of his childhood and life passed in front of him quickly, as though they were trying to run away.
He saw the orphanage he was imprisoned in for so many years. He saw himself playing with a kid's toy.
He saw Dumbledore sitting on his bed, heard him say "Hogwarts".
He saw his first day at Hogwarts and the sorting hat telling him he was Slytherin's heir.
He saw the chamber of secrets and the basilisk. The dead girl and Hagrid and finally Trelawny and Snape.

Everything disappeared and ran away, just out of reach.

And then everything went black.


"...do we do now, Harry?"

"We should've just killed him. Do you realize who he is?"

" Yes, Ron! I'm aware of who he is. And I don't know, Hermione. I dunno."

"Why didn't you just kill him ?"

Tom groaned. His head hurt a lot. It felt like it was about to explode, as though hundreds of hammers were banging at every side of his head.
"Oh my god. He's awake!", a female voice said.
Tom heard feet shuffling and coming closer and then suddenly he felt breaths puffing on his face. He opened his eyes slowly, only to be scared out of his mind.
He jumped back in surprise.
There were three faces right in front of his own.
"Wh-who are you ? What are you doing ?", Tom asked harshly.
The three looked at each other.
"What? What is it?", Tom asked again.
"Don't you remember? I'm Harry. This is Hermione and that's Ron.", the black-haired boy said.
"N-no. I don't remember.", Tom said with realization.
"Why don't I remember? What's happening to me? I can't remember anything? Why can't I remember? Wh-", the black-haired boy - Harry interrupted.
"Calm down! It's okay. Do you remember your name?", he asked -and for some reason- with hesitancy.
"Y-yeah. I-it's Tom. Tom Riddle?", Harry raised an eyebrow.
"Well, Tom. We're your friends. Come inside. We'll explain everything. It's kind of complicated.", Harry led Tom inside, but before entering the tent that just was there in the middle of the woods for no apparent reason, Tom noticed Ron and Hermione glancing at each other.
Something told him he was an observant person, but he just pushed the thought aside and told himself they were probably just in love.


Hey everyone.
Sorry for the ( not so long, but still) long wait. I know the chapter's short. Sorry. But I promise next chapter will be better and longer.
Thanks for reading. I'm open to any suggestions for improvement/ feedback.
Bye ( for now ) ;)

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