(19) Hos P. Tal

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Drama! Drama! Drama! 😁 Yay!

I've got an update for you! Do you guys love me now? 😉

Plus, I've learned that I have a Brazillian reader, it may be plural, or maybe not, but COMO ESTÂ, PATINHO?!

And for all those Bangladesh people out there! TOMI KEMON ACCHO?! P.S, what do you call the people living in Bangladesh?

P.S, I need a favor. What's I LOVE YOU in your language?

example -> (Philippines - Mahal kita)


Here's a new chapter, enjoy 😊


"So I was the one driving the car?" I asked, fixing the way I sit on the hospital bed.

"Yes.." Charlie nodded.

"And I was alone?"

"Yes..." Charlie nodded, something flashed in his eyes but that something was erased immediately.


"Where was I going?"

"We don't know." He shook his head, "I don't know."

"But... you're my best friend. I would've told you where I was going!"

"I..." Something flashed again and as usual, it went away immediately. "You've called me but I uh, haven't answered it."

"Oh..." I muttered.

Felipe told me that I might suffer from temporary amnesia, making me forget some few months from the present, well, from my present.

"How's my daycare?" I asked, "Please tell me you've been taking good care of it."


"Beth." I gasped, "Is Beth taking care of it?"

That young woman! She's going to be starting her first year of college soon and- She's probably in college right now.

But when is "right now"?

"How many days have I been..." I glanced at the right wall beside me, I couldn't say the word. I'm like I'm stuck in a nightmare. "... Sleeping?"

"5 days..."

I sighed in relief, "Oh thank god-"

"... and 4 months."

I paused, "What...?"

"4 months and 5 days. You've been sleeping for 4 months and 5 days."

I inhaled sharply before tapping my fingers beside me. "Oh my gosh... Where's Mom? Dad?"

"They're on their way from Canada."

I nodded and closed my eyes. Wait a minute...

My eyes opened. "Aren't you supposed to be with Hannah right now?"

"About that..." He muttered, "I broke up with her already."

He probably saw her cheating on him or something.

"Oh..." I gave him a small smile, "It's for the better."

I don't know what's with me right now. If I was Vanchel Ammarati 4 months ago, I would've been jumping in glee right now, But instead, it feels as if I'm starting to let go of my weird attraction to him...

What happened?

"It really is." He smiled, "It really is."

"Yeah." I nodded awkwardly. Breaking the silence, I sat up.

"Vanch!" He looked alarmed and immediately held me back.

"I'm just going to buy some snacks, Charlie."

"No." He took his wallet and stood up, "What do you want?"

"I want to be useful and not act like a helpless person."

He rolled his eyes, "That's not in the menu, Vanch."

I crossed my arms, "Charlie."

"But you are a helpless person right now-"

"And you better shut up." I frowned. "Listen here, Charlie Langston. You are not my father to tell me what to do. You're not my doctor to tell me what I can't do. I can do what I want, say what I want, and do things on my own."

He went silent before sitting back in his seat and sulk.

I stood up and failed immediately. "Okay, I may or may not need your help right now."

"Whatever." He frowned, sulking deeper.

He sulks like a girl, trusts me.

"Fine." I tried to push my hands down on the hospital bed to stand up. But unfortunately, putting your weight down to your hands is actually a really bad idea. How?

I looked up and gulped, "Uh Charlie... my dextrous has blood in it...."


"Does it still hurt?" The nurse asked, tapping my hand.

"A little bit," I muttered through gritted teeth. Of course, it hurts!

He laughed, "Then why do you look like a constipated gorilla?"

With eyes widened, I glared at him, "I don't think that's how you treat a patient, nurse."

He grinned, "Actually, I'm an assistant doctor." He pointed at his name tag and it shocked me.

No, not with his position, but his name: Hos P. Tal.

"Nice name," I smirked, moving my left fingers.

"I know right?" He chuckled, "My mom probably knew what my ambition was."

"Or she was high." I laughed, "I'm Vanchel by the way."

His grin widened, "I can see that." He glanced at the white plastic band wrapped around my left wrist with my name on it.

"Right..." I chuckled awkwardly.

"And I'm Charlie." Charlie butted in, grabbing my right hand, and squeezed it lightly.

"Nice to meet you Vanch, and Charlie." The young man grinned nicely.

"She actually doesn't want to be called as "Vanch," Charlie said smugly.

"Actually, it's alright." I smiled at Hos, "Vanch is just fine."

"What?" Charlie asked me with wide eyes.

He's not the only one shock by my answer there. But I have this feeling in my bone where it seems as if people calling me Vanch is just fine.

I raised an eyebrow, "What 'what?' ?"

He looked at me indecorously, "What ' what 'what?' '?"

"What 'what ' what 'what' '?"

"What?" Hos asked, "What are you guys talking about."

I faced him, "What wha-"

"Nothing." Charlie snapped angrily. "Just nothing."

"Okay..." I muttered silently.

Charlie stood up, walked towards Hos, and said, "She wants some water."

I scoffed, "I actually don't want some water-"

"Oh right, she needs it." Charlie butted in, "Now get some for her."

"Excuse me?" I asked him with shock. I've never seen Charlie talking like this with anyone.

"You're excused." He mocked at me, before pointing at the door and frowned at Hos. "You may leave now."

"Sure." Hos shrugged, looking back at me with a smile. "See you around, Vanch."

"Sure." I laughed as Charlie grumpily said, "Don't call her that!"

What crawled up in his ass and died?

The Bad Boy Inside the Fairy Suit [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now