×Chapter One×

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Reese took a deep breath and walked up to the doctors office.
he can't help but be so nervous, People made him feel very anxious. Like they were judging him, But he always puts on a confident front. He could never show any weakness..not to anyone

He took a step into the large glass revolving doors, and stepped a few times while pushing the doors. When he came around and stepped out, He caught a glimpse of a beautiful young woman sitting at the check-in counter dead center of the room opposite of the doors.
Blonde hair, tan skin as if she was kissed from the sun itself. From a distance she looked like a beach beauty.
"She's gorgeous.."
Reese whispered to himself staring and standing for a prolonged time in front of the rotating doors.
After snapping out of his daze, Reese slowly stepped forward towards the counter. Nervously tapping his right middle and index finger to the side of his right thigh.

He cleared his throat and stood up in a straight postion.
"Hello." Reese said while trying not to stare at the young woman's chained heart necklace. Gently resting on her right breast.
"Hello! What can I do for you." The woman said smiling very enthusiastically.
"I'm here to see Doctor David keenly."
"Alrighty. I'm gonna need your name and date of birth, please."
"Reese Lee Matthews, 12/20/1987"
he couldn't keep his eyes of her necklace. Imagining the feel of the chain. The cold links touching the base of her neck, The chain was softly caressing her collarbone.
"I see you're almost a Christmas baby, how cool that must be!." She said while smiling and typing all his information into the computer.
"Yeah, it's alright." He replied.
"Ok, I got you here for a 1:30pm appointment. You're a tad bit early, so it will be a few before he can see you. so have a seat if you'd like." she said while pointing her hand at the seating area.
Reese noticed she had on a red wristband the had the words 'GOD SHALL HELP US ALL' circled around the band.
Reese scoffed quietly at the statement.
"Okay. Thank you.." Reese said quietly, almost in a whisper while turning around to face a seat.

Reese walked over to a small seating area where there were three other people.
Obviously, they all were so drugged up on medication to even notice him walk over and sit down.
The seats were about as comfortable as a steel coffin. Cold, hard and just ugly to say the least.

The two women who were sitting just across from him looked half dead. They looked like sisters, twins from the look of it. Their Blood shot eyes, short cropped up hair and Baggy over sized dresses made them both look like disturbed skeletons. The women sat in silence, Holding each others hands. Makes you wonder what they are thinking and what happened to make them so weird.
The man who sat just two chairs away from Reese, was holding a book in his hands. Black leather bound cover, label too worn off to read. More than likely it was a bible.
The man was neatly dressed, wearing a brown vest and red silk tie. Combed back hair.. but still looked just as spaced out as the Olsen twins over there.
Reese couldn't help but stare at a stain on the man's pant leg, He so badly wanted to yell at him to clean it off.
"Filthy people." He thought to himself. "How can they live like that."

Reese couldn't help but feel like he was being judged while waiting for the nurse to call him back. What didn't help his suspicion was the fact that every nurse that passed by in the hallway directly next to the check-in was smiling when they looked over at him..
It's like they look at him and assumed he is not all there. Like he is mentally challenged, As if they have to be nice.
"But they don't..they shouldn't. Stupid ignorant, foolish people." Reese said out loud. Alot louder then he thought. Making the young woman at the counter and the man next to him look over, the nurse, she smiled with a confusing look on her face. Even from the counter Reese could tell the woman thought that low of him too.
Reese just lifted his hand to wave a tad to reassure her he was okay and sat back in his chair. Throwing his head back with his eyes closed.

Reese was getting better at reading people's emotions.
Knowing when they felt uncomfortable, scared, sad or confused.
So he knows for sure he made the woman at the front confused and even maybe a bit worried.

"Why do you have to be so stupid..you can't even act right in front of a people. You idiot!.." he thought to himself.
Sighing largely and then reaching up to rub his drowsy eyes.
In the process of seeing the kaleidoscope of colors that came from rubbing his eyes, he hears his name be called from just beyond the two ladies.
Reese looks over and shot up from his seat. More than happy to get away from the distraction of the these people..

Reese always felt like he was looked at by society as one of the crazies in the waiting room, or you always see on the streets. Out of their minds. Scratching the skin off their faces, Hitting themselves, screaming at anyone who looks.
But he could never understand why. He has never done any of that, in front of anyone at least. Reese knew better than that.
"Why do they look at me the way they do. I am obviously better then them in many ways." Reese thought to himself.
"I have money, a great job. A huge home. i even dress very neat for any and every occasion." He thought again.
So he came today for another checkup to try to understand what is so bad about himself.
"Hopefully I will know soon." He thought to himself again.
"Then I can fix myself."

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