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It was a Monday morning and the Baby Avengers were fast asleep in their cribs. All was quiet until...
It was the alarm system that Baby Tony had programmed into Jarvis and let's face it, not everyone loved the song.
"Tony!" Baby Natasha yelled, her red hair falling in a mess across her face.
"Whad is id now Nat!?" Baby Tony yelled back.
"Tuwn dat junk off!" She screamed.
"No!" Tony replied, insulted by baby Natasha's choice of words.
"Quit awguing and go back to sweep," Baby Steve yawned, clutching his shield pillow to his chest.
"No!" Nat and Tony screamed.
"Shut uwp, de gwown ups awr gunna come in here and tell us off!" Whispered Baby Thor, knowing full well what would happen if the grown ups came in. It wasn't that Thor liked the grown ups, which he did, especially Jane, it was just that if they came in they would change their diapers, wash their faces and feed them yucky cereal instead of tasty poptarts.
"No!" Natasha and Tony yelled.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and in came Pepper, Tony immediately became silent and fixed his hair and acted like he was the innocent one.
"My, my, my!" She exclaimed! "I hope this wasn't my little Tony who was making all this dreadful noise!"
"No," Tony cooed, his thumb in his mouth, "it was Nat, she turned the awarm on and bwamed me!" He continued.
"Thor, is Tony telling the truth?" Pepper asked. Thor shook his head.
"Tony woke all of us up with his music and started awguing with Nat." He gurgled, drool falling down his chin as he gummed his hammer.
"You wiar!" Tony yelled.
"No I not! You meanie!" Thor cried.
"Wiar, wiar, mjolnir on fire!" Tony taunted as Thor sobbed, completely forgetting pepper was standing behind him.
"Well, I'm glad you're showing your true colours Tony. For being mean to Thor and waking everyone up, you will get no shawarma and you are not allowed in your lab for a week." Pepper said sternly, picking the sobbing Thor up and cuddling him.
"What!? That's not fair!" Tony shouted as Nat started smirking.
"Yes it is and don't you shout at me." Pepper replied coolly, before putting Thor down and taking Tony's iron man toy and leaving the room.
A/n yay! First chapter and bad Tony! Don't forget to vote if you think Natasha is badass,comment and follow! And new chapter will be up tomorrow!- opieandstucky

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