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I took up half the office chair, Mitchie talking up the other half. "Okay, let's see..." I mumbled, tapping my hand on the desk next to the keyboard. I typed youtube.com into the URL bar, then searched up 'SkyDoesMinecraft'. I scrolled through his recent uploads, trying to find the perfect video.

"Uh... okay, watch this," I said, clicking on a recent Do Not Laugh. She rested her arms on the table, and watched intently as the video began.


She couldn't breathe. Her face was covered by her hands as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her body was shaking and her face was numb.

I didn't know that it would make her laugh that hard.

We watched a few more videos, each one making her laugh as hard as the last. She seemed to really enjoy them, and I'm glad there was something to make her happy.

Before we knew it, it was five o'clock at night. "Oh, shit! I was gonna take you into town. Um... we could leave now and be back by six if you want to go today," I suggested. She smiled at me and stood from the chair. "I'd be delighted to go now. A little fun never hurt nobody." She ran out of the room and back to the spare room where she put her shoes back on so we could leave.


The shopping trip went fairly well. I bought her new clothes, a suitcase, a duffel bag, a pair of running shoes, a new wallet, a cell phone & laptop, a pair of headphones, a camera, five new books, and some other essentials.

My mom and I, as well as a few other people from the town that knew Mitchie, were setting up a fund to provide her with a sufficient amount of money for when she came out of her coma. We'd been saving for almost five years, collecting around 8 to 9 donations of $10 per week. When she finally woke up, we had saved over $17,950. There was enough to buy all of the clothes and things she wanted with almost $15,000 to spare.

After our shopping adventure we drove back to my mom's place, the trunk of her car full of the stuff I bought Mitchie. I caught glimpses of her every now and again during the drive. Her eyes were always out the window, taking in the view. I couldn't help but smile every time I looked at her. All of the memories came flooding back, and I've never been happier than I was in those moments.

When we got back to the house, Mitchie was almost completely asleep. I practically carried her the entire way from the house to the spare room. I laid her down and threw a blanket over her, snatching another blanket from the closet and going out to the living room to sleep on the couch. Halfway through the night, I felt my mom put another blanket over me and kiss the top of my head before heading to her own bedroom for the night.

The next morning I booked two plane tickets back to Bellevue for Mitchie and I that evening. There were no nonstop flights, so I chose the shortest connecting flights, bringing our total flight time to six hours and fifteen minutes. It took off at five o'clock, our last flight scheduled to land at the Tacoma Airport at 9:15 pacific time. I called Ross to let him know we'd need a ride back to the apartment from the airport.

"Hey, Max. What's up?"

"Hey, Ross. Um, we're flying back over there tonight. We'll be there around 9:15 - 9:30. I'll let you know if anything changes, but would you mind picking us up from the airport?"

"Yea, sure man. I could definitely do that for you"

"Thanks, buddy. Alright, I'll see you then. Take care"

"You too"

Most of my day was spent catching up with my mom and packing up Mitchie's stuff for the flight. Mitchie spent most of the day watching more videos we've made. I'd check on her periodically, grinning like an idiot whenever I heard her laugh. She really enjoyed them. I made yet another mental note to show her Undertale. She'd love it.

By the time five o'clock rolled around there was nothing left in way of conversation topics, and we were ready to head back home to Washington. Mitchie was beyond excited, and for several reasons. To move there, to travel, to see our old friends, to meet new ones... I was just happy that she was happy.

"You two be good, you hear? Don't get into any mischief," my mom smiled, wrapping her arms around me for a hug. "No promises," I joked. I felt her laugh as she pulled away, kissing my cheek. She moved to Mitchie, a huge smile on her face. "I wish you could've stayed longer, but I expect you'll be back soon," she sighed, embracing her. "In the wink of an eye," Mitchie chuckled. We finished our goodbyes and headed into the airport to catch our flight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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