When The Exs Show Up... |Chap.6|

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(A/N: By the title you guys should already knoooooow it's about go doooown. Super gased about this hope you love.) (PS. Victor and Lisa in the MM played as Chris Brown and Rihanna)

The next two days Johnathan and I spent enjoying each other time considering it was the weekend. But today was Monday. He had to go back to work. So did I. We both got up at 8 grudgingly. It was harder waking him up. He was begging for me to stay home. But of coarse I knew I had things To handle. After getting up, we both drove to McDonalds and sat in and ate as we talked. I told Malachi to stay with Greg, he didn't fight me on coming to work. After eating John drove me to my apartment which he told me I'm moving out of...the nerve of him. I picked up my favorite car I owned my bubble gum pink jeep.

Johnathan told me he wanted to get one in all white for himself

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Johnathan told me he wanted to get one in all white for himself. I might just get him that for his birthday. Since its coming up. We drove off in our separate cars and headed to the office.

So, here I was now in the elevator on my way to lunch after working from 9 to 1. I wanted to go visit go visit my future husband.

Ugh he has me saying it...

As I walked into the office I put a little twist in my hip. I felt more confident. It showed. The men in his office turned their heads to look at me. I knew that with every firm step my heels clicked and my titties jiggled hey it's something they can't have so I'm not worried.

"Who is she? Damn I'd hit that." I heard someone say as I walked pass. I looked at them and giggled shaking my head. I heard various variations of that comment like...

"You see her titties man?!"

"She got a fat ass too."

"I need a girl like that."

And honestly every comment boosted my confidence. As I made it to the door I looked at the final door in the hallway to see something that shocked the hell out of me.

Was he really talking to this hoe right now?!

"Johnathan. I know you have no reason to forgive me or even talk to me. But I wanted to talk to you." Fiona spoke as she sat on his desk. Her legs crossed as she looked at him seductively. I felt my heart breaking in two. I know he seen the way she was looking at him he wasn't even telling her to stop.

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