Four Days Before the Ball

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"Will we have any food at the pawty?"

Nikoletta paused, looking up from a letter describing recent Spring activity. Shazi was sitting across from her mother at the table, working on writing out the alphabet while her mother looked through paperwork.

"Yes, dear, we'll have a dessert table. Do you have anything specific in mind, Shazi?" Nikoletta asked, wiping her concern about Spring from her face.

"Maybe some pumpkin pie?" Shazi asked, stilling writing carefully. "And maybe cawamel apples. I weally like those."

Nikoletta smiled and nodded.

"I'll make sure we have pumpkin pie and caramel apples," the queen said before looking back down at the letter.

Such aggression- when would Spring stop?


Nikoletta paused once more, looking up from her work patiently.

"Yes, Shazi?"

Shazi pointed to the paper her mother was reading.


Nikoletta was taken aback- her daughter may be a maelstrom of energy, but Shazi was also observant.

"Yes, Shazi, this is about Spring," Nikoletta said carefully. Shazi frowned.

"They'we bad, Mom. They got wid of Wintew," Shazi said quietly. "People talk about them. Awe we having the pawty to make people happy?"

Nikoletta frowned and set the paper down.

She was so small- but she was learning so much.

"Yes, Shazi, the leaders of Spring have done some horrible things. They invaded the kingdom of Winter, yes. The party was an idea that would make Autumnians have more hope and also properly present the conduit to you," Nikoletta explained. "It's hard for our people to cope with losing Winter to Spring, and losing Spring to darkness."

Shazi tilted her head.

"When I have magic will I be able to help?" she asked.

Nikoletta smiled- Shazi was talking more and more about using her magic to help others. The queen nodded, and the princess smiled.

"One day, Shazi, the conduit magic will make you strong."


Shazi hopped around to the beat of drums, laughing as she danced.

The musicians hired for the ball were having a practice demonstration in the castle's courtyard. Nobles and workers danced around together, enjoying the moment of peace.

King Caspar and Queen Nikoletta stood next to the musicians- two drummers and a string trio- watching as their daughter played.

Shazi would walk up to strangers, grab their hands, spin around with them, and continued on. Her feet were bare- she had kicked off her shoes soon after she began singing, deciding they were too confining for her wild style- and she wore loose brown and orange silks that spun around with her movements.

Shazi emerged from the crowd of workers, running up to her parents. Giggling, she grabbed Nikoletta's hand, who grabbed Caspar's arm, and the princess drug them out in front of the musicians, who beamed when they saw their king and queen.

"Dance! Dance!" Shazi laughed, holding her parents' hands. "Come on!"

Caspar and Nikoletta laughed and did what they were told, dancing in a circle with their daughter. A group of the workers around them paused their own fun, gathering around their royal family and clapping their hands to the beat of the drums.

It was moments like these that Caspar wanted to last forever. His subjects were at peace. Their minds were not on looming tensions between kingdoms or the lack of magic in Autumn. Instead they were thinking about how lovely this music was and how much fun it was to take a moment and relax.

But spontaneous outbursts of calm didn't erase the storm.

The song faded away as the musicians finished. Nikoletta laughed and picked up her giggling daughter, and Caspar hugged his wife and daughter close to him as the crowd in the courtyard began to fade back into their routines.

"That was fun!" Shazi laughed. "Will the pawty be like that?"

Nikoletta nodded.

"Yes, but the ball will be even longer!" she said. Shazi clapped in excitement.

"But try to keep your shoes on during the ball," Caspar laughed, picking up the princess's small maroon shoes from the stone ground.

"I will!" Shazi said. "I'm gonna leawn to dance with my shoes on! Sam's gonna teach me tomowwow!"

Poor Sam! So much on their plate, Caspar thought.

"That's very kind of Sam," Nikoletta said as she set Shazi down. "By the time the ball comes I'm sure your dancing will be even more lovely."

"Be sure to save your mother and I the first dance," Caspar said. His daughter nodded and laughed.

"Okay! We'll all dance togethew! It's gonna be so much fun!" Shazi exclaimed as she twirled in circles, making her way back inside.

Nikoletta and Caspar chuckled at Shazi's energy, and, hand-in-hand, followed their daughter back into the palace.

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