Chapter Thirty One

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"He was the dream that never came true."

For the umpteenth time Iris pondered over the decision she had to make. She looked at the sky, seeking some answers but found it empty, devoid of any hint that could free her from the tumult she was in.

It was no more just a question of her past. It had become the question for the love she had for Derek, accepting it duly by leaving Shane. Or still clinging to the forgone.

Iris gently raised her hand to grasp the chain around her neck and found it around the pendent that Derek gave her. She looked down and saw the wedding bands lying solemnly around her neck, while her hand was clutching  the star.

A gentle breeze hit her face that made her gasp for more. She raised her face slowly, facing the sky she breathe deeply. She felt the tumult in her heart was slowly washing away. She felt at peace away from the chaos and decision. Away from everything.

while gazing the darkened sky her eyes caught the glint of something, she pursued it and found the shining star above her head.

She clenched her eyes close for a while. With a deep intake of breath. she opened them and walked away.

Maybe to the new beginning.
Or maybe to the Old Road!

Derek ran his hand through his hair and rested his head over the main frame of the car. He had been sitting on the bonnet, staring at the now darkened sky with nothing but a cluster of clouds covering it.

A faint noise of rustling of leaves made him look away from the sky to the road ahead of him where he saw a shadow walking out.

He sighed and jumped up from the bonnet of his car and stood near it with his hand in his pocket.

As slowly the shadow came into his view he could see Iris walking towards him with slumped shoulder and bowed head with her black hair half falling over her face, other half piled on her back.

He saw her walking forwards without paying any heed to the road, she was there but wasn't there at all, before Iris could bumped into Derek, Derek caught her by her shoulder.

"You okay?" Derek asked looking at Iris.

Iris raised her head to meet the blue eyes staring her back. She smiled wryly.

She walked out of his grip and slipped into the passenger seat.

Derek slipped following her and turned to look at her with that one question in his eyes.

Iris took a deep breath and looked at Derek with glint of uncertainty in her eyes, before she turned to see the GPS and punched the most expected destination on it.

Derek glanced over the GPS and then at Iris who had closed her eyes, her head laid back on the seat.

Derek sighed deeply and hit the gas to the truth he has been waiting for, Shane.

It was already past midnight when they drove out from Manhattan to their expected destination.

Derek glanced over Iris who was now looking out of the window.

He looked at the GPS and found that they had already reached their destination, he took a turn and drove the car into a sleek road extended through the main road. He saw a cottage coming in his sight from the darkness of the night. And stopped the car in front of it.

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