35. Welcome home.

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My car rolled in front of the hospital and I got out of my car.
I had bouquet of roses in my hand and I was feeling nervous and at the same time excited to meet her again. As I walked inside the receptionist smiled at me. People smiled or wished me and I responded in the same.
I couldn't hide my grin. No matter how much I tried to calm myself I couldn't. I had no explanation. Looking forward to something. I didn't understand the meaning of until now.

I opened the door of the room and my grin vanished at once.

What the hell.

"What the hell are you people doing here?"
I asked.
All of them turned around with confused faces and Jake almost leapt at me.

"Hey man!"
He dragged me out of the room shutting the door behind. We stood in the corridor.

"Are you fucking crazy? Manners where are they Zylen Marc?"

"How long before have you arrived here?"

"We just arrived. Everybody is so happy to meet her. And so relieved too. Wait is that a bouquet of roses?"

I hid the roses from him.
But he kept peeking behind  and I had to lean away from him.

"Oh my god that is a bouquet of roses. Holyshit what the hell Tiffany's done to you?! Zylen Marc getting a bouquet of roses for a girl. I am speechless. I think I am tearing up."
He acted like an emotional mother.

"My dad and mom are here before me? How?"

"Oh yeah he was asking about you."
It irritated me more. Damn.

"It's okay Zylen desserts are always eaten last."



We entered the room and it was a ruckus. People surrounded her talking noisily to her. The room was full of bouquets and chocolate boxes and people.
Mia noticed me and glared back at me. I was not too enthusiastic about their presence too. I was supposed to arrive before.

"Is that for me?"
She asked. I saw her looking
expectantly towards me. Her eyes gleamed with happiness and curiosity.

"Yes ....this is for you."
I handed them to her. She clearly didn't have any space to keep it anywhere

"I love roses.Thank you."
She sniffed them  and held on to it.

The rest of the day went noisy and happy. We made sure never to talk about her condition. She had no idea that she was out for two months. If she got the idea I don't think she would accept it really well.
She asked about Serena. Claire told her that she was full pregnant and her due was anytime in this week. One of them skyped Serena and then both the sisters talked for a long time. Dave was also there with her and he apologised for not coming to meet her.
Tiffany gave him a scolding for apologising for that. She had all sorts of questions to ask Serena.

"I need to be alright before the baby is born. I can't missed this I have missed enough."

"Dear you need to rest. You are getting discharged tomorrow."
Claire assured her.

"Should we prepare your room? I think we should."
Duncan decided.

"No Duncan I have already prepared for her."
I intervened.

He looked at me with a questioning look.

"I already arranged everything in consult with the doctor. I'll be taking care of her. I am-"
I tried to explained.

"No it's good. But your work?"

"Let him do it Duncan. He works a lot anyway." 
Dad said. I mentally thanked my dad. He winked back at me.

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