Wait For Me

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 "Phil?" Dan asked, putting his phone away. Phil struggled to grab her things as she got up in a haste before turning and trying to run away from him. Sadly, she failed. "Wait!" Dan yelled grabbing her arm. Phil turned to him but paid more attention to her shoes than him. "You..look-" Dan stuttered, trying to find the right words but Phil cut him off. "Like a boy?" She said. Dan and Phil's eyes met and the crowded corridor felt silent, as if they were the only ones there. Dans mouth opened and closed repeatively. He didn't know how to feel in that moment. He wanted to pick Phil up and twirl her around but at the same time he had so many questions to ask him, or her, he wasn't sure.

"I need to get to class, I'll see you later Dan." Phil said in a rush as she pushed past Dan in a haste and ran down the hall, tears pouring down her face. The only word Dan could think in that moment was "Wait.." But it only came out as a whisper. Some boys pushed past him as they ran to class, but Dan stayed put. "Yo Dan, how are ya?" PJ asked him as he threw his arm around his shoulder. Dan was still in shock that he didn't even acknowledge him. Louise and Dodie showed up a minute later. "Dan, you okay?" Dodie asked him but he just said one word. "Phil.." He whispered loud enough for them to hear. Louise was now on high alert as she grabbed PJ and Dodies arms and ran down the hall to the bathrooms. As they approached the entrance, Louise could here a soft sobbing coming from inside. "Peej, stand watch while I go in to talk to Phil." She ordered. PJ did a salute and stood guard while Louise went to comfort Phil.

"Phil? Are you in here?" She quietly asks. Suddenly a bathroom door opened to reveal Phil in the floor. "Oh sweetie.." Louise says as she sits next to her and holds her. "He saw me..He saw me as t-this.." Phil weeped but Louise just shushed her. "I know love, I saw him in the hall." She said and Phils head shot up. "You did? What did he say." Louise gave her a look and she went back to sobbing. "Honey, you don't need to think about him. How about we ditch today? hmm?" Louise suggested but Phil nodded. "No, I have some tests. Besides, I can't run from him." She says.


"Peej, they've been in there for a long time, the second bells about to ring." Dodie said. Just as PJ was about to talk, Dan showed up. "Is Phil in there?" He asked. He was about to walk in but PJ stopped him. "Nope, no one allowed that goes by the name Dan Howell." Pj said. Dan grew frustrated. "Please, I need to talk to him." Dan says, making PJ more pissed off than he was before. "Oi! HER name is PHILICITY and SHE doesn't want to talk to you right now so if I were you, I'd go to class." PJ growled. As if on que, the second bell rang. Dan sighed in distress before going over to Dodie. "Dodie, please tell her to meet me in the courtyard after school. Please." He begged before running off to class. Dodie pondered on the new responsibility she was given. Louise and Phil walked out of the mens room, cuddling. "Thanks PJ." Louise said. Phil thanked PJ and as they all made their separate ways, Dodie chased after Phil. "Phil, wait!" She called out. Phil turned to her with an annoyed expression. "I wish people would stop saying that to me today.." She mumbled. "What?" Dodie questioned but decided it wasn't important. "Look, Dan showed up at the stalls and wanted to talk to you but PJ wouldn't let him in. He asked me to tell you to meet him after school at the courtyard. You don't have to but I just wanted you to know that." She rushed before running off to her Chem exam. Phil walked to class and pondered on the thought of meeting Dan after school.

She really liked Dan. His smile, the way he would do something silly to get her to laugh. She appreciated him. But she couldn't forget about what happened in the hall. The way he looked at her, as if she were nothing. It made her feel guilty for not telling him sooner. But it also made her feel depressed that no matter how hard she tries in her life, all the guys are going to look at her that way. Like she was disgusting. Phil decided to not think about the thoughts right now and just put her full attention in to school today.

I'm Philicity (Transgender Phanfic)Where stories live. Discover now