I got something tell you

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demiyah12 girl you already know how I been about writing lately 😭😭so sorry it took forever

Armani pov

Okay so this can go one of two ways. I tell him and he is happy or I tell him and he leaves me. How can we be so stupid. We are both really busy with school. Tyler is in to middle of the season. If I tell him now he is going to flip. I don't need that in my life. An upset Tyler makes me upset then we will all just be here upset and that is a no no.

"Okay I will tell him when he comes over tonight." I thought out loud

"No you can't tonight is date night."

"Just tell him stop being scared."

"Gosh Armani get yourself together, you are sitting her talking to yourself" I said walking to my bathroom splashing water on my face.

I lifted my shirt to expose my third month belly. I think I look pretty good. I am glowing.

About an hour later Tyler arrived, so I decided I will tell him at the restaurant so he won't flip out on me.

"Armani why do you look scared?" He asked

"I-I don't know w-what you talking about." I stuttered

"Why are you lying to me." He groaned

"Okay, okay, Tyler I have something to tell you." I said playing with the hem on the bottom of my shirt

He sat there waiting form me to go on.

"Okay so you I love you right?" I started

He nodded his head.

"And you know I would never do anything to mess up with your future plans right?" I kept going

"Armani, baby please just get to the point." He groaned

"TylerIampregnant." I said really fast as I shoved some food in my mouth

"Wait what? Slow down." He smiled at me

I groaned throwing my head back. "I. Am. Pregnant."

I tried to read his face but nothing was coming up, but he was shocked I know that for a fact.

"I am going o be a dad?" He asked

I nodded my head slowly

"I am going to be a dad. I can't believe this." He said looking down talk into himself

He looked up at me with the biggest smile on his face .

"I am going be the best dad ever." He smiled

"Yes you will." I smiled harder than he was if that was possible

And to think I was scared to tell him for nothing

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