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    Jaiden woke up to her phone ringing.picking it up she groaned a greeting."h-hello?"It came out as more of a question than a greeting.                                                                                                                                          "Hey Jaiden, Its Tony.I wanted to know if you want to start recording our audio for the collab."Crap. She completely forgot about about her collab with Tony."Jeez I'm am sorry I just woke up and I forgot about o-" She was interrupted by his soft voice" It's fine Jaiden,It's fine.Get your rest, We can record later.Call me when your ready." Jaiden sighed and said " Thanks Tony. I'll call you in maybe an hour or 2.Bye."He said his goodbyes and then Jaiden hung up.

   I few more moments passed before she got up to get herself ready for the day.She showered,changed, and did her hair. She then turned on her computer and opened skype."Ready?"Tony asked. "Ready!"Jaiden said.

"3.2.1. Go!" They both pressed record and said their introductions

Taiden ~discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now