chapter 7

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Dans pov

I couldn't believe it. Zoe had gone. She'd been dragged out the window by! A monster with tinted blue hands and long fingers. I grabbed the gun and ran after her. I dodged branches and jumped lakes. I shimmied along cliffs and ran through the mines trying to find her. I heard her screams and tried to follow them. When i got to her, she had blood all over her chest and her arms and neck were badly cut. I leaned over to help her. She tried to raise herself when the elevator dropped, taking her with it. I swore and took a step back. I turned around and saw the thing. I aimed the gun at its head. I shot and chased after it. I slowed when i saw a person coming. I silently followed him through and out the mines. He lead the way to the old sanatorium.
I followed, keeping a bit behind him. He went in but i waited a minute before i also entered. There was a large room, full of separate areas, each closed off with a gate. I knicked a jacket and found a gun. I grabbed a couple of bullets to go with it. I entered through one of the metal gates and nosied through his belongings. There was lots of information about this monster on the mountains. There was many diagrams and drawings. Lots of facts. I heard a dog coming and i hid. There was two and the man. I prayed that he wouldnt notice me. Unfortunately the dog sniffed me out and started to bark. The man was out of the room and i ran. I found a flight of stairs and dashed up them. The dog chased me. I ran down a dark corridor and into another room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I waited until the noise had gone before i slowly re-opened it and crept back out. Venturing through the rooms, i found profiles from people who had worked here and in the mines. I found a couple of rotting bodies. A key card was in the pocket of one of them. I took it out and wondered down a deserted, broken corridor. I got to the door at the end and inserted the card. It opened and a wolf bounded at my knees. I went to hit it and then stopped. I couldn't hit the dog. The poor pooch. I shook my head in disbelief. I edged around it and into the room. It wondered off, tail wagging. I ventured through many corridors and rooms. At one room was a creepy wagging arm. It was covered in blood and was pale. I walked towards it, picking up a long knife before touching it. I screamed quietly as a bear trap flicked open and grabbed my fingers. It crushed them together.
'Oh sh*t, oh sh*t, oh sh*t oh st*t!' I mumbled as the brought the knife to my fingers. I had to do it. I quickly, whilst swearing, chopped them off. I screamed again in pain as i found an old bandged on the side. I wrapped my half end fingers in it. I ran out the room and found a door leading out. I pushed it open quickly and turned out, closing it behind me.
There was a gate. It was, of course, locked. I stot it, not noticing the flammable barrals around me. Sparks flew amd fire went up.
I leaped back in surprise.

Joes pov

Did dan die? He can't die. His fingers died and that was my fault but he couldn't die, not like that. He couldn't let phil down like that. No, no, no, no! No one can die. I can't let it happen. Maddys inoccent and oblivious face popped up, her in the bath. 6 hours until dawn.

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