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I was sitting in my boyfriends trailer one Sunday afternoon when I  heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I yelled from the bed. It was Ethel, Jimmy's mother. "Oh Jimmy's not here. He's in the main tent rehearsing for tonight." I say smiling. I have always liked Ethel, she's always been nice to me.

"I know I'm here to see you Y/N" she states bluntly and looks down.

"Is everything alright?" I asked worried, she never comes to see me. She shuffles about then looks at me in the eyes.

"I'm just going to come out with it. I think you and Jimmy should call it off." She says. I look at her confused. What does she mean? Me and jimmy have been dating for 2 years. We love each other, always have, always will. She must see that I am confused as she starts to explain.

"It's just you being here is grounding Jimmy. He's young still. He should be travelling around the world with us freaks." I flinched at the last word. I hate when people call him a freak. He isn't a freak he's perfect to me.

"I know I'll go with him." I say a lump forming in my throat. I'm not very good when it comes to confrontation.

"You don't get it Y/N. He's not going to leave if you're still around. He either leaves you or leaves the freak show." She speaks calmly as if this is a normal thing. "And if he leaves the freak show he'll loose me. He's already lost his father now would you want to be the reason for him loosing his only parent." She says sternly. Loosing his mother would crush Jimmy. I couldn't be the reason for that. I look at Ethel's face trying to find any sign that she's joking but she's not.

"But I love him." I state barely above a whisper my voice cracking at the last word.

"If you truly love him then you won't hurt him." She says turning and leaving me in the caravan. I feel a hot tear fall to my cheek as I sit in silence. She's right. I'm holding him back. He doesn't need me.

I dry my eyes with my sleeve and head to the main tent. I walk in and my eyes immediately dart to Jimmy. He's standing talking to Elsa. I don't know if I can do this. I go to walk away but I catch Ethel glaring at me making me remember everything she said. I take a deep breath and walk over to him. I tap him on the shoulder and he turns to face me. His eyes light up as he sees me

"Y/N" He says smiling

"Can I talk to you." I ask and he looks confused.

"Yeah of course. What's wrong?" He asks starting to panic.

"Can we talk outside." I ask not wanting to cause a scene. He nods and we head outside.

How do I even begin this. How do I tell the man I love that I never want to see him again. "Jimmy I need to go home. We can't be together any more." I blurt out.

"Wh-What" he stutters and I look up to see his beautiful brown eyes start to gloss.

"I just don't want to be in a relationship. It's not you its me." I lie looking away. That's the most cliché breakup line ever but I can't think of anything else.

"Y/N please don't say that." He says and try's to hold my hand. I pull my hand away knowing that if I feel his touch I'll start crying.

"Jimmy please don't make this harder than it has to be." I say and turn to walk away. Jimmy grabs my wrist and I turn to see him crying. It breaks my heart to see him like this but it's for the best.

"Y/N I love you. I will never stop loving you. Please we can work this out." He bawls. I know Jimmy won't get over me unless I hurt him but I can't. "I'm not going to let you go until you tell me the real reason. You love me. You'd never leave me." He cries trying to get me to face him.

I know what to say. There's one sentence that I could say that would crush him. I just can't bring myself to say it. He tries to bring me into a hug but I know it can't be. I step back and look at him in the eye.

"I could never love a freak." I say and turn around. I can feel my heart ache in my chest. It's not true. I do love him. I love him more than anything but it's the only thing that I could say to get him to let go. I hear him yell out as I get into my car trying not to cry. I start to drive away but before I go I catch a glimpse of Jimmy. He's lying on the ground with his hands over his face sobbing. The image makes me shudder.

I drive out the campsite and head onto the main road. My eyes are burning. I need to stop. I pull over to the side of the road and start to cry. It was the type of cry that's messy and loud. It was the type of cry that once you start it you can't stop.

I sat in the car crying for what felt like hours. That was the hardest thing I've ever done. That was the last time I'll probably ever see Jimmy. He's the only person I've ever loved. That was the last time I'll probably every speak to the love of my life.

Oh my that was so sad. ☹️ I worked really hard on this one and I hope you like it. I'm thinking about a part 2 but would anyone like that? I'm going to America on Sunday and I'm so excited😆. Thanks for the votes and comments 💜(also this video is so so so sad 😰)


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