Envy-Sniper X Reader X Spy

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          Requested by Scewychoas.

          Just to tell you (t/c) stands for team color (RED or BLU of course) and (ot/c) means opposing team.



Sniper x Reader x Spy


Your POV

          It was my first mission as the Strategist, and I was aching for some action. After staying up all night for an entire week drawing out the blueprints of the (ot/c) base and coming up with strategies to combat agents the opposing team. I was finally able to write down the information and show the rest of my team my ideas. They were impressed by my the immense knowledge of the (ot/c) base, but I shrugged it off saying, 'it was nothing. That their base was pretty much the same as ours.' They laughed at this and Soldier scolded me, but I could tell he was proud.

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          I felt someone lightly push on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I looked up at the tall Aussie man and smiled excitement coursing through my veins.

          "Looks loike our lil' sheila's excited for battle." Sniper said enthusiastically patting the top of my head. "But before ye run out onte the battlefield make sure ye stay with someone, we don't want ye gettin' hurt now do we?" I gave quick nod my attention snapping to the voice of the Administrator counting down from 5, 4 3, then 2, and 1.

          The doors opened, and the (t/c) raced out of the waiting room; Spy, Pyro, Heavy, and Medic followed me so we could to begin phase one of my strategies. The others ran off to fill in their parts of the plan. Sniper would be in a well-hidden sniper nest sniping at the enemy, while Scout and Soldier waited for Demo to give off the signal. When Demo's bombs go off that is when phase two begins. Soldier will use his rocket launcher while Pyro sneaks up on the enemy's Medic and Heavy, killing them whenever he has the chance. Phase three will begin soon after that. On queue, our Medic will have Heavy ready for Übercharge that should kill most of the enemy, if not Scout is the backup to kill whoever isn't killed. When the (ot/c) is regenerating this will give Spy a chance to sneak into the enemy base and take their intelligence and bring it back with no trouble, well that's if the plan works the way it's supposed too.

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          Everyone waited patiently for Demo's bombs to explode and while waiting, the air was filled with excitement and determination. When Demo's bombs finally went off everyone was off leaving me alone with a pertinacious smirk on my face. My ears would twitch every once in a while when a bomb went off or the scream of someone dying sounded making an evil grin slowly grow on my lips.

          A little while later the air was unusually quiet, and I couldn't help but chuckle the evil grin slowly growing till I looked like a madman or in my case mad women. Then the Administrator's voice rang out "We have taken the enemy intelligence." When I heard those words I couldn't help but jump up and fist pump the air, but knowing well that Spy still had to get it back to our base to be victorious. When I calmed myself down, I began to quickly walk towards the excite of the safe haven I was staying in till Spy captured the intel. When I emerged from the darkness I saw Scout and Soldier racing behind Spy for protection; Demoman was making a thick line of sticky bombs so the (ot/c) team would have difficulty time crossing over onto our turf.

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