92 No joyride

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The group of four sat in Shinji Shiba's car, who drove it himself. Yoshiro and Yuna took place in the back, while the fire devil was allowed to sit in the front seat. The girl didn't know the destination of their journey, but she didn't want to be too pushy and perforate the Oni with her questions.

The huntress didn't know much about cars, but the one they were using was likely to have cost more then a few Yen. She didn't know that one could live this well by funeral services. On the other hand this profession was stigmatized among the Japanese, because they hated to deal with the dead. Life and death were strictly separated in their society.

"What do you think Haruka wants to do against Tirr?", asked Kenji.

"I can't imagine that we can do something about him. He is just too powerful." Shinji focused on the traffic, as he spoke.

"What do you think, Yoshi-san?"

"My name is Yoshiro.", growled the sheriff. "Everyone has a weak spot. We just need to find out what his is."

"Didn't you try to assassinate him with a sniper rifle?", inquired Shinji.

"At some point you're going to read something in my mind that I want to keep a secret and then I'll have to kill you, Shinji-kun." The voice of the yellow-skinned actually sounded threatening, so it probably was not meant to be a joke.

"It's not as if I wanted to read your thoughts. They jump in my face."

That sounded very interesting for the huntress. Apparently even Oni had to struggle with their innate powers. Maybe she could learn more about herself when she talked with them about their abilities.

"How do I have to imagine that, Shiba-san?", asked Yuna.

"It's like a constant whisper of someone in your ear. What you're thinking right now, I hear in my head. And every once and then fragments of memories, dreams and the likes join in. Sometimes even images and feelings."

"No wonder that most telepaths go crazy.", remarked Kenji.

Yuna's next question came as if shot from a cannon. "Can't you turn it off?"

"If I concentrate hard enough, I can limit the reception."

Surprised she raised her left eyebrow. "Limit?"

"I receive all signals in a radius of several dozen meters. By focus I can limit the radius, or concentrate on a single individual."

"But you can't turn it off?"

"Not yet."

"That must be terrible.", judged the girl.

Thankfully looked the Oni over the rear-view mirror to Yuna. "Our powers are a curse and a blessing at the same time."

"Speak for yourself. Mine is just awesome." To emphasize his statement, Kenji alternately let the individual fingers of his right hand flame up.

"Now, you can control it, but what was it like as your power manifested itself, huh?"

"Shut up.", hissed Kenji.

"I'd like to hear it, Tanaka-san. Maybe it will help me with my power."

Yuna glanced over at her "uncle", who had become very silent, but apparently he didn't mind that she gathered advice from the other Oni. Shinji looked via rear-view mirror to Yoshiro, but looked away, as they made eye contact.

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now