At Noon

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His eyes glowed warmly at me as I made my way back to my seat. I still have a few sets of eyes following me but I ignore it.
The rest of the day is pretty basic. We don't do much really even if end of year tests are close. On my way back to the orphanage, I waited outside the school until Zach emerged and I skipped up toward him. He waved hello and we continued to walk. We walked down I our garden. We sat on our bench swing and I turned toward him.
What was it? Your painting? I sign.
Have you heard of the bible? He signs. I think, maybe? It's a book and it is about God and Jesus. It's about the Christian religion. Something I strongly believe in. He signs. I stared at him for a moment. My painting was heaven. The place I hope I go when I die. Where anyone goes as long as they believe.
At first I was confused, then it all came together. I've heard of religions kind of like that but I didn't want to devote myself to it. I thought it would change me to strongly. But Zach seems normal?
How did you discover God?
I found the bible in my fathers drawer and he never made me return it. I have read it over and over again a lot. It shows how Jesus died so we could go to heaven. Zach seemed so solemn when he talks about his religion.
It sounds... I signed slowly. Zach watched me curiously waiting to see my reply. Amazing. He smiled.
It is. And with that I stood up and he followed me back to the orphanage. When we got to the door I turned to him.
Thank you. I sign and walk through the door and back toward my bed. I pulled out my drawing pad and started to doodle.


I walked down the street with my tho it's streaming through my brain. I couldn't process everything. My mind was full of different thoughts on the bible. I used to have to interest in religion but I can't help but ponder over this idea of God and I barely know anything about it! I let my feet carry me down toward the empty garden. I peeked inside and saw something on the bench. I slowly walked toward it and when I came up to it I saw a old, brown, book lying there with a note on it. I pulled the note up and it read,

Thought you would probably be coming here soon. I left this here for you. Thought you would like it.

The book had words sealed onto the front. The Holy Bible. I picked it up and ran my finger along the old leather spine. I pulled it up toward my chest and left the garden with the note and book.
Once I had gotten to the orphanage door, I crept inside and went to my bed. I flipped through the pages till I found the first page and curiously started to read.


It took me five and a half days to finish it. I was astonished by how it all had happened and everything made sense. It explained how the world was created and how God did it and it astonishes me. And how Jesus sacrificed himself for everyone!
I felt like this is something I know of the past world. I've read about heaven, the place Zach painted though I think differently of it. Sometimes I wonder, if I hadn't discovered God like this, would I go to hell? I shook the thought away. I used to not even believe in an afterlife, but now? I can't say the same.
I flip through the pages and find my favorite story. I've re-read parts of it a few times if I didn't understand or just loved the idea of it. I saw the door creak open and hid the bible beneath my pillow. Paris walked in as her perky self and seated herself with her phone lighting up her face. I rolled my eyes and played with my fingers trying to be unnoticeable. I slip out of the room, and I'm not even sure if she saw me in the first place, but I didn't want to figure out. I left outside and started walking, not having a pinpoint destination.
My head was lowered and mostly obscured in my hoodie. My dark hair swayed with my body in front of my face and I watched each of my black converse crash into the pavement. Suddenly I felt as if I'd ran into a wall, but as I looked up my eyes widened as I made eye contact with piercing Amber eyes. I managed a weak smile and continued around Zach without a second thought. I felt a hand connect with my arm and I turned to see his dirty blond hair obscuring his confused face. He soon used his fingertips and ran them along his forehead to push the loose strands away.
I'm picking you up tomorrow at noon. He smirked cockily, Don't wear anything nice.
Confusion rippled over my face momentarily. I didn't have anything nice? And why would it matter? I looked up, ready to question him but he was gone. I rolled my eyes at the inconvenience. I continued walking around town, my thoughts streaming over me and only few contained rationality.I thought more about religion and how some people are brought into a religion by being born into a religious family. Honestly I never thought about how the earth was made, or how the rivers flow or how the grass grows. I've never thought beliefs would rule my life, but I was in love and amazed. I've heard of church. But here, there weren't any churches. On the front of the bible I saw a sign that resembled a 't' now I understand it. A cross. Reading about Jesus's death painted detailed pictures in my head. Horrifying even. Pain overwhelmed me when I thought of the cruelty. I thought about my actions. The things I have never spoken of and I feel like my life is worth something- something I've never felt- because I won't bring myself to believe that God sent his son down to die for people like me to try and kill themselves. I think I have finally excepted Jesus as my savior.

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