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Yo Yo Wassup Bitches Bangtan Girls Leader is here yo wassup man??

Finally I make my own Random Shits Book

well its because I'm a leader I should introduce my self and my bitc- I mean member

aiyoo my real name is Kim Namie well bruh just call me Rap moan I mean Rap Moonster

Well I am the ♧Goddess of Destruction♧ Give me your things I'm going to break it ;)

my birth date is on September 12 '94' liner shiter ;p

Bangtan Appa thats meh did My member do something?? /bow/ sorry sir I didn't give a shit I didn't give a fuck aye wait thats yoona line

Bangtan Appa thats meh did My member do something?? /bow/ sorry sir I didn't give a shit I didn't give a fuck aye wait thats yoona line

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talk to the hand fucker ♡

oh member username down below

okay wanna know more about me just comment okay dont be shy I wont creep you out ;)

okay need to go now bye hoes♡

oh yeah follow my twins kim-namji forgot to add her cx

Rap Moan AyeeWhere stories live. Discover now