Chapter eleven: I Can't Quit You Baby

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The next morning I woke up before Robert and decided to make him breakfast. I went down stairs and into the kitchen. Robert needed to go grocery shopping, but I found some eggs, bacon, and some pancake mix. I found some pans and got cooking.

I was cooking eggs when all of a sudden I felt a hand over my mouth and an arm around my stomach. I tried to scream but I couldn't. I was turned around to face... JIMMY?!

"Hey there my little Kit Kat, long time no see." He said smirking.

"Jimmy you scared the life out of me. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to see you and Robert and to see how you guys were doing."

"We're doing just fine, how are you doing JimJam?"

"I'm alright I just got bored at my house since it's just me so I came here."

"Well Robert and I are going back to my place to get all of my stuff if you want to come along and help."

"Yeah sure I'll come, it would give me a chance to meet your brother too."

"I'm so excited to see him, he's my everything. Oh hey did you want some food?"

"Yeah I'd love some food thank you!"

"Good morning Kitty, and Jimmy." We heard from behind us.

"Hey Robert, looking sexy as fuck." Jimmy said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up Jimmy, you're not so good looking yourself."

"Boys you're both beautiful, now sit down and eat." I demanded.

"Yes ma'am!" Jimmy said.

"Anything for you mum!" Robert snorted.

They both sat and ate their food as did I. After we were done Robert and I went upstairs to get some real clothes on. After that we left to go to my flat. It was only a 30 minute car ride. We took a van that Robert had parked on the side of his house.

"So my little Kat, how much stuff do you have at your place?" Robert asked.

"Um just all my clothes, my paints and canvases, my drum set, and I think that's pretty much it." I said thinking of everything that I had.

"It shouldn't take us too long to get all of your stuff."  Robert said.

"Yeah it won't."

The rest of the way we were singing to all the songs that came on the radio, and before we knew it we were at my place.

I ran up the stairs to my apartment and knocked on the door. It was about 10 so my brother should still be home.

The door opened and I bursted in jumping on my brother. We fell to the floor. Danny was like 6 feet tall so I don't know how I knocked him over.

"DANNY IM BACK!." I yelled.

"I've missed you K.E.S. How was tour?" My brother asked. He likes to call me by my initials.

"It was great I actually brought some people I think you'd like to meet. Guys get in here." I yelled at Robert and Jimmy from the hallway. "Danny this is My best friend/ brother Jimmy Page and my boyfriend Robert Plant." I explained.

"Oh my god! It's nice to meet you both, I'm such a huge fan!" My brother said while trying to hold back the fact that he was a little girl and freaking out on the inside.

"It's nice to meet you Danny we've heard a lot about you!" Jimmy said while reaching a hand for Danny to shake.

"Little Katherine over here would not stop talking about how much she missed you." Robert said as he did the same as Jimmy.

"Well I've missed her! Why didn't you call me when you got back?" My brother asked.

"Well we got home late last night and I didn't want to wake you. But, I do have some news for you." I said.

"What is it?" My brother asked.

"Well Robert and I have been together almost 2 months, and he asked me to move in with him!" 

"Well Kath that's great! But I can't pay for this place all by myself."

"Well I thought about that. I figured that since I make a ton of money I'll pay for this place even though I'm not gonna live here."

"Oh Katherine, you'd do that for me?"

"Of course Daniel I don't want you to have to move back in with mom and dad."

"Well thank you I appreciate it."

"We're just gonna get my stuff and we'll be out of your hair."

"Oh and Danny I figured since you and Kath are really close, that you could come and stay at my house whenever you like." Robert told Danny.

"Well thank you so much, will do." Danny thanked Robert.

We started to grab all of my stuff and take it out to the van. I packed all of my clothes into 2 suitcases. I grabbed all my art stuff and put those into some bags that I had for it. Next came my drums, I had to break those down so that we could carry them piece by piece.

I played other instruments but I didn't want anyone knowing so before anyone could see I picked up my guitar and bass in their cases and put those into the van as well.

"Well that's everything, I love you Danny, call me anytime or I'll call you." I said as I handed him Robert's number for his house.

"I love you too have fun." Danny said.

And with that we were on our way back to Robert's house.

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