14.Tragedy part 3

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A.N. IMPORTANT!! Ik you already read the memories but please read them again bc I added some details to them.

Thank you

Kam's pov

I was shaking, but I still didn't look at his face. He cupped my face in his hands. That made me open my eyes and look at his face.

"Because I want to be more than just friends. You are the friend I fell for. I knew I wanted to be with you since fourth grade. You're the only one I want." He continued. He took a deep breath. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked.

I was shocked. I waited a minute to process his words, then I smiled like an idiot and kissed him.

"Is that a 'yes'?" He laughed.

"Yes, you idiot." And I kissed him again.

The next day

I broke up with her. I knew the slut was cheating on me anyway.

She said something like "I fucking hate you! You'll be sorry!"

Eh. I don't care. I have Luke. Nothing will hurt me.


Me and Luke came out a few days after we became a couple. Surprisingly, everyone was pretty accepting or didn't really care.

*10th grade*

Last day of holiday before 10th grade.

Me and my three close friends -Sam, Vio and Carlos- were sitting on my bed, trying to find something to do.

In that moment, Luke came out of my bathroom and joined us on the bed, putting me on his lap.

"So what are we going to do today?" Vio asked.

"Let's just swim. It's nice outside and I want to see you all shirtless." Said Luke.

I cleared my throat, slapping him playfully.

"Okay! I want to see Kam shirtless!" He screamed. "Better?" He asked me.

I just laughed.

"Hey! Let me tell you that I am hotter than Kameron!" Sam said.

"Sure you are......not." I laughed.

"Tell him, Vio!" She turned to Vio with demanding eyes.

"Sam, with all the love I have for you, my twin sister, I tell you that Kameron is much hotter than us...even hotter than Carlos." She said seriously.

"I agree." Carlos said.

"Hey! You were supposed to say I'm hotter! I'm your girlfriend for fuck's sake!" She slapped him.

"Don't blame me! I'm an honest guy!" He said in defense.

"You are a bunch of blind idiots!" She said as she headed to my pool. "Are you coming?" She screamed from downstairs.

We laughed and we followed her.


After the twins and Carlos left, me and Luke were laying on the grass, our eyes fixed on the sunset.

"What a perfect end of a perfect day. I wish this day never ends." He said.

"No. I'd like to see what life has prepared for us." I smiled at him.
"I love you." he kissed me.

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