ten; forgive me

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Lara waited for her signal, knowing that she was supposed to be there to fight soon. She waited silently from a perch, where she had teleported to keep a look out. She watched Rhodey and Tony land, and the three start talking by the chopper that was supposed to be their ride until Tony disabled it.

T'Challa joined them, before Natasha was also there. Suddenly, Lara watched with wide eyes as a red suited guy swung from an unknown place, shooting a web and grabbing Cap's shield. He landed on a luggage thing, shield in hand as Lara blinked, making sure she wasn't seeing things.

Who the hell was this guy?

Lara teleported down then, not into the action though as she snuck around. It was easy, everyone was focused on Steve they hadn't noticed how she that she had gotten a clear glimpse on where Spider-Man was sitting, readying herself to teleport to grab the shield.

"We found it. The quin-jet is in hangar five north runway," Sam said, and Lara watched as Steve lifted his hands up, which were webbed together. Clint shot an arrow, cutting them as Lara smiled.

"Alright, Lara," Steve said, and Lara teleported, hitting Spider-Man to grab it, quickly throwing it to Scott, who turned normal sized and caught it.

"I believe this is your's, Captain America," Scott said, handing Steve the shield.

"Ah great," Tony said, his head turning to look up at the building. "Alright, there's two on the parking deck, one of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?"

"Got two in their terminal," Rhodey said, hovering as Tony flew away. "Wilson and Barnes."

"Barnes is mine," T'Challa said, starting to run. Lara sighed as she looked around, from where she was still standing on the luggage thing. She didn't want to fight. But it turned out she had to.

Steve through his shield up, hitting Rhodey as Lara jumped off of the luggage vehicle, jogging so she was beside the patriotic man. She watched as the kid put his fingers to his ear, knowing that he was taking to one of the other people. "Hey, Mr. Stark, what should I do?"

Obviously, he was talking to Tony.

Lara looked at Natasha as Steve ran after The Black Panther, throwing his shield at him to knock him down. The brunette got into a fighting stance in case she needed to, but noticed that Nat didn't look like she wanted to fight.

"I don't want to be here anymore than you do," Natasha said, looking at Lara with this look in her eye.

"It feels like we started a war over nothing," Lara said as she straightened up, looking around. Bucky was safe for now, and that's all she was good about.

Though, Scott seemed to have different plans as he walked over to Natasha, stressing how he didn't want to hurt her. Lara felt herself face palm as she jogged away, not wanting to see Scott get hurt.

Lara glanced over to see some airplanes and helicopters exploding where Wanda and Clint were running, seeing Tony hovering over them. The teleporting girl was going to try her best to avoid Tony in this fight, not wanting to be put against family.

Lara was glancing around, not knowing what to do or where to go. Steve had told her not to fight too much, as she did have a concussion and he didn't want her more hurt than she already was. So, as she stood there, watching everyone fight, she sighed, rushing over to Cap as Rhodey flew at him. She jumped, teleported above where Rhodey was gonna be and kicked down, smashing War Machine into the pavement.

"Sorry, Rhodey," Lara apologized, feeling guilty as she glanced over at Cap, who was smiling at her in appreciation. T'Challa attacked too, Lara dodging the blow before Cap threw him to where Rhodey was getting up, the man on the suit throwing away a shock baton.

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