The last day of school!

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It's Wednesday morning and the last day of school before the summer, my alarm clock went off at 7:00 and I got up and got ready. Once dressed I sat on my phone for half an hour and then went downstairs to get breakfast. When no one was downstairs I became a bit confused. I checked the clock in the kitchen and it said it was 11:00! School started 3 hours ago! My brothers must've done this to me as a joke, but I wasn't finding it very funny. Not knowing what to do, I just rang my mum, but her phone went to voicemail. With no car and no money, I knew I had to walk to school if I wanted to get there. 30 minutes later, I had finally arrived, but only to find school locked and empty, and the roads pretty much dead. I tried ringing my mum again, this time she answered.
"Why are you calling me Alicia?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" I replied.
"Its 4:00 in the morning" she snapped back at me.
"What!?!" I literally screamed.
"Why aren't you in bed?" She said.
"I'm at school!" I told her "someone's messed with the clocks."
"Alicia, did the fact that no one else was awake, not make you realise that maybe it was just a prank?" She said.
"No" I said, not knowing quite what to say.
"Right, your dads going to come and get you now, wait there" she said and put the phone down.
15 minutes later and my dad arrived in his card, looking in one word - pissed.
We were silent all the way home, no words needing to be said. When I got back in it was about 4:30 so my dad told me to go to bed, so that's what I did. It's not like I would of stayed up.
I was woken up by my mum at was actually 7:00, as I could tell she didn't trust me to get up myself. I got changed, yet again and went downstairs for breakfast where the rest of my family were already sat.
"You look tired," said Dylan. I ignored him.
"God, what time were you up?" said Aaron. I ignored him too.
My sister then walked into the kitchen saying "who was banging about during the night, I literally got no sleep?" Obviously she was not in on this ridiculous plan.
"Why don't you ask Alicia?" My dad said and looked towards me.
As I didn't say anything and just ignored them, my mum said "Alicia had to be picked up from school at 4:00 this morning! Would anyone like to explain what that's about?"
All of my siblings thought this was hilarious and began to laugh, I however was not laughing.
"Anyone? Said my dad. Everyone one was silent. "If that's the way things are going to be, no ones going to Alton Towers tomorrow!"
Everyone groaned and then Tyler said "fine it was us!" The rest of my brothers agreed.
"It was just a joke" said Theo.
"We didn't expect it to go that far!" Said Jake.
"Well, your going to have to think of some way to make it up to your sister, because I don't think she found it very funny." My dad said sternly. He ate his last mouthful of food and walked out of the kitchen followed by my mum.
My siblings looked at me expectantly, when I didn't say anything they pounced on me so I fell of my chair and began to tickle me because boy! I am ticklish.
"So, let's see. Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard?" Asked Nick.
"We're about to find out!" Said Callum.
"Are you going to forgive us or not?" Asked Dylan.
I tried to hold my ground but I just couldn't, "Fine!" I shouted through laughs.
And I guess you could say that's all normality in my household!

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