#18 - After

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#18 - Headcanon - After


Mike grew up telling himself that once he works himself out of being poor, he wont let himself go back. Through years of working, eventually with Tyler, he has a large amount in savings just in case anything bad happens.

But imagine that nothing very bad happens and they never have to drag tons of money out of the savings account.
Imagine that after Onity dies, Mike gives up on the fear and he and Tyler use the money to travel while they still have time left in life, always low key regretting they didn't use it in time to take Onity along with them. They do know that Onity would have wanted them to enjoy themselves as much as possible even without him by their side.

Bonus: imagine that Onity is cremated and they have his ashes in a little purple jar and they take that with them sometimes.  It sometimes gives the feeling that he's not totally gone.

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