He's sick: Mike

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I came home from the store to see Mike under a massive blanket on the couch surrounded my tissues.

I walked closer to him and saw how red his poor nose was

"Are you okay babe?"

"No, I'm sick. I can't stop sneezing and my nose is really runny"

I pouted at him and turned around and placed Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix into the tv and laid down on the couch next to Mike.

"Don't come to close, you'll get sick"

"I don't care, you're sick and you need cuddles"

Mike smiled

"I do need cuddles"

You snuggled into his side and softly kissed his lips

"Try to get some rest Mikey"

Mike fell asleep after a couple minutes but you decided to finish the movie before snuggling closer to Mike and falling asleep yourself.

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