Six: Yeah, I'm a Great Swimmer... But I'm Kind of Afraid of Water

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Six: Yeah, I'm a Great Swimmer... But I'm Kind of Afraid of Water

As I lay in my bed that night, I can’t help but be extremely paranoid that the boys in the next room are plotting some kind of prank against me. Well, can you blame me? All that’s running through my mind is the possible schemes that their brains could be conjuring up right at this minute.

            And Jake’s probably got the most messed up brain of all, meaning he will be able to invent pranks worthy of being in Saw movies.

            Can you see why I’m scared?

            I sit up in bed and grab my phone so I can check the time. 11:34. It’s been an hour since I got into bed and the whole time I’ve been lying here wide awake, anticipating their next prank. It’s inevitable, but I don’t know when it will arrive. In a way, I’m kind of hoping they’ll get it over with so I can actually get some sleep tonight.

            What will it be this time?

            A bucket of spiders poured in my bed? Wait… what if they’re already there? My stomach drops and I pull my feet up to my chest immediately, suddenly paranoid of anything with more than two legs (me) in my bed. I’m not scared to the point of a heart attack by insects like some people (Savannah…), but I’m still not keen on the idea of sleeping with them.

            After a few moments of disconcerting silence, I eventually summon enough courage to throw back my comforter and check for any evidence of insects. When I realize I am alone under the covers, I breathe a sigh of relief that sounds unnaturally loud in the silent room. Yes, silent… that’s why I’m so suspicious that the kids are up to something. This is Forte Cabin we’re talking about and I’m not sure the name is just coincidental. I’m ninety nine per cent sure that Jake and his followers wouldn’t just settle down to bed without some kind of fuss, unless they were planning something.

            And it was surprisingly easy to coax them into bed…

            Oh my God, now I’m just making myself paranoid. If I keep this up, I’m going to be sleep deprived by the end of the first couple of days. Taking a deep breath, I force myself to lie back down under the comforter and close my eyes. The mask of blackness that my closed eyelids provide only increases my paranoia and I immediately want to sit up again, so I will be ready for an oncoming attack. However, I know that I can’t sit here all night so I force myself to remain in my horizontal position, no matter how much it scares me.

            I should probably start planning my funeral now.


            When my eyelids flutter open, my first thoughts are ‘where the hell am I?’ I don’t recognize the wood paneled room that I am sleeping in, and it’s then that I wonder if I’ve been kidnapped.

            Pretty cozy for a kidnapper’s dungeon…

            Then, memories of yesterday coming flooding back to me. Oh yeah. I’ve taken a completely crap job at a summer camp, been switched to the worst cabin in the entire camp, had my newest crush drooled on by a sugary sweet flautist and decorated the porch with my underwear.

            Just a normal day in my life, then.

            Sunlight is streaming in through the gaps in the blinds and the sound of muffled talking from the other room greets my ears. Immediately, I jump out of bed and throw open the door, revealing the rest of the cabin.

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