The Challenger Approaches : 3

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Your POV

"Send your opponent!" I exclaimed with a wide smirk. Then all I heard was boxing club president. "Ha this is to easy, you really think this little girl is a worthy opponent for ME ?" He yelled at every one. That made angry. I looked to the crowd. There I saw Ryukko with a worried look on her face. In a low voice I spoke to Ryuketsu and said. "You ready to finally kick some butt?" ' You know it let's teach them what bloodshed really is.' Ryuketsu said back enthusiastically. This ought to be fun 3-2-1-0 and... FIGHT! He lunged forward straight at me then I ducked unlaced his shoe and tied it to the other, he fell on his face and I smiled pulling the trigger on my uniform unleashing the beautiful red, black, and gold colors of my best friend. My eyes glowed with bloodlust but I was in total control. I pulled out a seam ripper and did a back flip over him at least 10 feet in the air. Landing on his boxing gloves slicing and dicing them faster that the speed of light it was exiting. Then it was over I stood before him with an evil grin watching as his beloved gloves disintegrated and Ryuketsu absorbed a life fiber.

Sorry it's so short it's late and I need ideas plz if you have any they would be greatly appreciated author-chan ;3

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