Chapter 0

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Mark mouths, his voice muted out. His chests heaves up and down, Where is Fiona? He thinks, a hand on his sternum. The rapid thumpthumpthump of his heart doesn't cease even when the alley is in complete silence.

"Ah, the birds stopped chirping," He thinks.

He can't feel his shoulder nor his legs from the numbing weight of his rifle. Not at this time, he curses.

His eyes sweep the area for anyone. The skies are a mix of orange, magenta and plum, the kind that honeymoon couples would sigh for. But it has the reverse effect on him. He swears a million curses, and his heart rate slows down. "Fucking finally,"

Until he feels a wind blow against the nape of his neck.

"You were the one from last time," Mark clenches his jaw, stopping his lips from quivering.

"Yeah. Goodbye, Marcus Oakley," the guy behind him holds his knife right under Mark's jaw. One wrong move and Fiona will witness her partner's throat sliced open.

Mark freezes, and realization dawns on him of who this person actually is.

"As if,"


Super short excerpt of one of the scenes occurring in the middle of the book right here. Tysm guys for reading, I'm super excited for Altered and there is a possibility that this will become a trilogy, although I haven't thought much about the execution. It's easier said than done after all, hahaha I've had this idea for a very long time and I want to introduce you to the world as Mark & Darius experiences.

The world of Altered as you know it is described by the eyes of 2 cynical people and the journey won't be a smooth as a highway– it's a rocky road! It has different thoughts on dark & serious stuff, so I apologize beforehand if it offends anyone in any way. (It is not intentional, I assure you)

Pardon me for any of the mistakes
made, 'coz even if you do proofread every time sometimes you do slip up.

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