Sudden Clarity

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I was going crazy!

I knew it was going to be hard to stay away from her but it isn't supposed to be this hard. Cody's not making things any easier for me either. It's bad enough that I have to resist her at school, but to constantly be reminded of her by a five year old who at the moment convinced himself I'm the reason his pretty Harmony isn't coming back is torture.

He makes sure to lay into me before I drop him off at school, "You should go to the droctor and find out what's wrong with you uncle Trevor."

"There's nothing wrong with me." At least not physically, but emotionally I'm screwed up. That's not exactly something I can explain to a precocious 5 yr old. "Why would you think that?" I ask him.

"Because you make Harmony lergic to you, so you have to get fixed so she'll come back." he states as if it were obvious.

Lergic? He still thinks she fainted because of me, which is correct except not for the reasons he's come up with. First it was because I was ugly, then he said I must've smelt funny, and now he's decided there's something wrong inside of me.

"She's not ALLERGIC to me, Cody, she's just not coming for grown up reasons okay?" I offer lamely.

"But, I-"

"Just let it go already Cody, now hurry before you're late." I scold.

He huffs, "Fine. Grown ups are so silly sometimes, I hope I never grow up." and then hurries into the school.

Once I reach our High School, I walk to the back where the rest of my young pack members hang out. I catch the tail end of their conversation, "...I'm telling you, she is hot. I just passed her in the hallway on my way here and she has some mighty fine legs!" a junior, Lenny, is saying.

Not really caring what random girl they're talking about since all my thoughts are consumed with a certain brown haired, green eyed beauty, I ignore them until his next words make my blood boil.

"I swear, she's the hottest new girl our school has ever had! Too bad she's not in our pack, I would so do her." he boasts.

Grabbing him by the collar, I push him against the wall and ask, "Who is this girl you're talking about, what's her name?"

Shaking he replies, "I th-think it's H-Harmony Alpha. Yeah, Harmony Ev-vans."

"SHE'S MINE! STAY AWAY FROM HER!" I order and notice the fear in his eyes as he drops his gaze in submission.

Releasing his collar I let him drop to the ground and turn to face the rest of the boys, "That goes for all of you, don't even look her way because if I find out you did you'll answer to me!" They nod and scurry off to their homerooms.

"Funny, for someone who rejected her, you seem to be very possessive." Austin observes with amusement.

"Don't start with me, Austin."

"I'm just saying, you may have control over the pups in our pack, but what about the ones in hers? Not to mention the three closest to her besides her cousin. Then there's the human guys too. It's only a matter of time before a girl as amazing as her is snatched up." he continues.

I feel my wolf wanting to be let loose but I control him and look at Austin, "That's fine, it's what I want for her. To be with someone who can love her like I can't. But I'll be damned if it's one of my own pack members! Other than that, she's free to be with whoever makes her happy." I force that load of bull crap out of my mouth.

Austin smirks, the asshole actually smirks and says, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Let me know when you actually believe it." then saunters off.

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