Chapter 24 - zugzwag

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Brad's POV (present day)

"For those of you who are new, get a copy of Facts on WW II from the library." the history teacher's voice echoed over the hustle of students leaving.

"Library it is then." Justin said firmly.

The crowd of students thinned as we made our way closer to the library.

We were faced with dirty glass double doors. This place almost looked deserted. Justin pushed the door open with his elbow not wanting to touch the handle which had what looked like dried lotion on it.

I did not want to know how that got there.

The moment we went in, the stuffy smell of books hit us.

"Ah." Justin exclaimed as he turned to the computer that looked a hundred years old.

The sound of his loud typing quickly filled the air.

My stomach dipped slightly as I looked around. A familiar and almost short girl in a flowing yellow dress showed her fair legs and a denim jacket stood with her back against us. Familiar brown waves cascaded down to her waist.

Could it really?

She was focused on placing textbooks from a metal cart next to her on the shelf.

"Your shifts over T, thanks for all the help." a perky girl with glasses and a ponytail emerged from behind one of the shelves.


Instinctively, I elbowed Justin. He turned and cocked his head.

"YO TAYLOR?!" He cried.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I yell-whispered nudging Justin.

The girl turned around.


My heart sank.

"Sorry." Justin apologised cooly before returning to his search on the computer.

More like white box but okay.

"Hey?" She said unsurely.

"Sorry I didn't mean to stare, you just looked like someone I knew."

Yeah, knew.

"Oh alright. Sorry I wasn't who you're looking for." she said with a slight British accent.

"I'm Brad by the way." I said offering my hand.

She shook it. "Twyla."

You've GOT to be kidding me.

"Maybe I could help you, who are you looking for?" she said determined.

"Taylor, Taylor Belle Sam." her name rolled off my tongue so smoothly as if I've been used to saying it for ages.

Well, I was.

"NO." Twyla gasped.

"Um.." I started unsurely.

"There've been rumours." she hushed.

"Like what?"


The only seats available were the two seats at the back of the class and the two seats in front of them.

"Aye back as usual." Dylan exclaimed over the noise as we took our seats.

The teacher, Mrs. Bibski, an elderly prim woman with a grey bun atop her head was rubbing her temples behind her desk. Spit balls flew around the air and there was a group of jocks throwing soda cans into the trashcan as if it was basketball.

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