Chapter Seventeen Part 2

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I sat on the ground, tears streaming down my face like a broken tap. My phone wasn't the only broken and damaged thing on the ground; I was too.

I sobbed hopelessly in my hands. I lost everything, everything. My diamond necklace that my dear grandfather gave to me was stolen...but that wasn't the only thing that got stolen; my innocence was gone, taken away from a low life scum.

After he got what he wanted from me he ran off. I was left in the same alley alone with a torn dress exposing me. I didn't know what to do, all I could do was cry and cry thinking of what happened to me over and over again.

I heard footsteps approach nearby and I stilled. Maybe I had help.

"Victoria?!" I heard a familiar voice say frantically.

"Oh my god! Nate?" I said in between sobs. I could see his tall frame and recognised his voice.

He bent down and and looked at me with relief which soon turned into a look of worry after he seen me.

He held my hand and lifted me up. "What happened?" He asked, sounding panicked.

I just shook my head and felt more tears fall down my face.

He took of his jacket and wrapped it around me, thankfully his jacket was long and covered me up.

"Victoria, what happened?" He said softly and placed both of his hands on my face.

"I...I got r-r-raped." I stuttered. I felt disgusted to even say it.

His eyes widened. "What?" He said, shocked.

"Oh my god....Victoria I..." He trailed off and pulled me in his arms.

Relief filled my whole body when he hugged me; that was when I realised that I was finally safe, even though the damage was done already.

I clung onto him like he was my life support. I was scared and alone but now that he was here I felt safe.

I sobbed even harder. "Nate...I was so scared. I tried to break free. I tried..."

"Shhh, it's okay I'm here now, my angel. I'm here." He whispered soothingly and kissed my head.

I gripped his shirt tightly, as if I let go he'd disappear.

"Nate I lost it, he stole it from me. He stole it." I sobbed into his chest.

"What did he steal?" Nate asked gently, still holding me.

"Everything." I whispered.

Back to present day.

Gerald stared at me wide eyed, his mouth slightly agape.

There it was, the most important thing I've hidden from him; my dirty little secret was out.

I wiped the few tears that slipped through and forced a smile. "There you go, my dirty little secret that I'm too ashamed to tell to anyone."

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?"

I chuckled humourlessly. "Gerald, I was ashamed. I had gotten raped, I was disgusted at my own self. How would you have reacted if you found out? You'd probably never wanna look at me again. I was dirty. My virginity was taken away from me by a disgusting, poor excuse of a human being. I'm tainted."

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