Chapter One

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Yep, it that time again.

The time of which I turn into a "wolf".

Yes, you heard me, "wolf".

It all started senior year, this year to be correct.

Lets start with the begin...

"I was walking down the......."


I was walking down the side of the river when it hit me, "She'll never be mine".

I continued walking by the river, which I always do when I come to think. Today I asked out the prettiest and most popular girl out in school. Yeah, big mistake. She said, "Wait, are you talking to me?"

I took off my shirt revealing my muscles underneath and my pants and jump into the water of the river. I was taken by the current and I let it take me for a walk for a while.

I should get home soon, but my parents won't mind, they barely know I'm alive. The only time they come to my room is when they need money for cigars and cigarettes.

I swam towards the shore, and got out instantly feeling the cold air rushing into my pores and turning my liquid blood to ice.

I put my clothes back on and started walking to the forest (the slowest route to my house). The trees looked down on me in disgust.

I walked in to the dark woods with the only light available is the moonlight in the cloudy October night. Some tree have initials in a heart of lovers who might not make it.


I brought my phone out of my pocket and flipped the lid open. It was a message from my best friend, Chad.

Chad is a popular, muscled high school jock who gets all the girls while you have me sitting in the background of his fame.

"Hey Taylor, where are you?!?!?!?! Meet me at the school. We are partying tonight!"

I replied,

"I don't think so, it will be your crowd and not mine"

This is true every time I go to one of his buddies parties I end up sitting on a couch  just waiting for a ride home.


"Come on. It will help you get over Amanda and I'll find you a new girl"

Blah! I started it text my reply to him,

"Okay, I'll meet you there, but count me out of the girls thou."

I went right threw the trees and was on the trail to the school.

Walking through the forest isn't as bad as movie make it seem. Of course it's all dark and you can barely see, but that's the fun of it.

The sound of a twig snapped scared the hell out of me. I turned to look in the direction of the sound but saw nothing except trees, branches, leaves, and grass.

I turned back and started walking again. I see the lights of the school just head of these few trees, but I felt eyes burning into my neck. Instead of turning and looking, like a horror movie, I sprinted out of the woods and bounced into the parking lot of the school.

At this time I looked back into the woods and I swear I saw red eyes, but then I blinked and they were gone. What wa-

"Hey! Over hear, runner!"

The Day I Turned Into A Wolf [On-Hold Going To Edit It, Looking Back...There was many mistakes]Where stories live. Discover now