Chapter 4

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Summer Nollan

"What?! What do you mean?" I looked at my boss disbelief.

"You're fired, Summer. Please don't make me repeat my sentence for the third time." He said completely pissed.

"But why? Did I do something wrong? I'm pretty sure that I'm one of your best employee." I said completely confused.

"You always late!" He said before going into the kitchen and I sighed. I knew I always late but only 2 minutes to 5 minutes.


"Just go." He said from inside the kitchen. I grabbed my things and walked out from the restaurant. I looked up to the sky completely confused. Not only I just got fire from one part time job, but I got fire from all of my part time jobs today.

I let out a long sigh before walking towards hone when I found Darren leaning his body to his car with a big smirk plastered on his face. I immediately knew that he was the one who did this.

"You're childish!"

"What?" Darren hissed. I walked to him and he stood up making me look up.

"You did this."

"So?" I'm so close to slap him and he put his hands into his pocket

"Just because you're loaded, you can fire me all you want. How much did you give them?" I glared at him and he let out a small chuckle.

"You humiliated me in front of a lot of people and that's what you get for crashing into my car too."

"You're a jerk!" I said as I opened my bag grabbing the brown envelope with his money.

"Here's your 60.000 dollars and let's not run into each other again!" I said as I pushed the envelope to his chest. I was going to give him later after my job by going to his office. I looked at him one last time before walking away.'

"Summer!" He called me but I kept walking away.

"Summer! Stop or I'll make you jobless forever!" He said but I'm not scared at all. I decided to keep walking straight back home.

I looked down to see my shoes were untied since I was in a rush. I stopped to tie it and I realized that my foot bracelete it gone. I always have it on my ankle. I poured all of the things in my bag to look for it. I even took of my shoes to look for it.

I ran towards my house to look for it because that's the only thing that my family left me. The only clue and if I lose it now, I don't think I'll be able to find them. I started to go through every corner of my bedroom, my kitchen and my bathroom. Literally everywhere but none. I got none.

"Hanni." I called her crying.

"OMG, what happened?" She's as shock as me.

"My foor bracelette, it's gone!"

"What?! How?! When?!"

"I don't know, I lost it." I started to sob more.

"Do you remember when is the last time you wore it?" She asked and I tried to remember everything slowly. I know that I always wear it everywhere I go.

"I wore it to the party."

"Party? OMG Summer! Why didn't realize it at that time? We can still look for it but.."

"Oh gosh! I'm so stupid!"

"Let's just go there.. We can ask them and reward them if they found it."

"Let's go." I said as I wiped my tears.

"I'll pick you up in 5 minutes." She ended the call and I sat down on my sofa. I grabbed my bag and went down waiting for Hanni. Hanni came 5 minutes later and she looked at me sadly.

"Let's just pray that they found it."

"Okay, let's try." I said as I kept praying that theh found it. We arrived at the hotel and went straight to the ballroom to ask the staff because there's an event there. Hanni asked them for me because I can't describe it without crying and letting the staff know the background story.

Hanni came back to me and told me that the stff is currently asking other staffs. We both hope that the found it.

"What if they didn't find it?" Hanni asked me carefully.

"I don't know, I don't think I can find my family."

"It's been a week since that party, how come you just realized it?"

"I know." I cried. It's been so tough today, I got fired and lost my bracelette.

"Miss, we don't have it. But we can ask other staff from other shift who worked that night. Can you leave your contact?" One of the staff said and I nodded. I wrote down my name and my phone number.

Hanni told me that we're going buy food from the food app and she promised me that she will stay with me so I won't be that sad. Hanni parked her car near my apartment building. As we walked up, there's a lot of guards surrounding the area which made me and Hanni so confused.

"Why is there so many people here? Is there a prisoner on the lose near your apartment unit?" Hanni asked as she held me tightly. She asked me to wait before going into the hallway of my apartment unit.

"Where are you going?" I hissed.

"What's going on here?" Hanni asked one of the guards and they just gestured her to go.

"What are you doing here?!" Hanni asked when she saw someone and she gestured me to come. I ran towards her and I realized that they're guarding my apartment and the door was opened already.

"What is going on here?!" Great, another day ruined. I turned to see him standing there making me so confused. There's people in my house and I turned to Hanni.

"Can you explain?!"

"She's my sister, Hanni." 

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