Chapter 6

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It's been a whole week since I found Dipper, a whole week and he still hasn't woken up. His wounds have long been healed but he just won't wake up and I have no idea what to do. While I have reapers to help with my jobs Dipper has no one else to create life. Mabel has been on the fritz about all this and she's been giving me hell blaming me, she left to go report this to her higher ups leaving me and dipper alone in a shack outside an abandoned town.
It was worn down and old but it protected us from any unwanted guests. How do I know this, because a close friend of Dipper built it to, ironically, hide from me since at the time we where always fighting over something, but that all seems like an eternity ago.
Getting lost in thought I grabbed a bowl of cold water.
"Come on dipper just wake up." Placing a cold rag on his forehead I could barely hear the shallow breaths of his, a sound I've heard many times by deathly ill humans. Dippers color has faded from a plush tan to a ghostly pale but for now he was alive, barely. And I still have no leads on who or what did this. It couldn't have been a normal being for the damage was to great plus dipper would have ended up like this just from anything.

Laying back on the sofa I can't help but think what would happen if Dipper did...die what would happen.
About an hour had passed before a cough caught my attention.
"Dipper!" Looking over I noticed dipper was sitting up rubbing his eyes tiredly.
I must have spooked him cause he turned to face me with a look of surprise plastered on his face. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.
"I'm so glad your okay."
"Hey get of me, who even are you and who the heck is 'dipper'." He shoved me off with enough Strength to push me on the ground.
It totally slipped my mind that he had a concussion.
"Heh sorry about that, it's me Bill Cipher. And your name is Dipper." I left out the part about being life and death so he wouldn't have a information overload.
"Oh...where are we Bill?"
"We're at a place called the mystery shack."
"Oh.." He seemed to contemplate this new info.
"So Dipper how much do you remember."
"I...don't know."
"Well that's fine I guess for now, I mean your bound to remember sooner or later."
An awkward silence filled the room as dipper was lost in thought about something.
"Actually I do remember one thing."
"What is it?"
"I remember a blue light and I think I ran." I waited for him to continue to no avail, "And?"
"That's all I remember.."
"Hm, Blue huh." Suddenly a lightbulb went off.
"Wait a minute!" That's when I realized something.
"What is it?"
"I need to go check something stay here I'll be back." I know only one other being that uses 'blue light'. Running outside I made a portal back home to the underworld.
Making it back home I ran to the prison.
"I'm gonna kill them."
Finally reaching the door I first noticed a stomach turning vision, the door that was locked with chains and magic, guarded by the impenetrable force of my power was wide open...
"When I find you I'm gonna make you wish you where never created."

"Death thinks he's so smart huh well to bad I'm always one step ahead, by know he'll realize I've escaped."
"Isn't that a bad thing though?"
"No, no. In fact I was hoping he would have found out earlier, but since he hasn't I've managed to plan out every step to my plans. And this will be the key to all our wildest dreams," Holding up a sphere that glowed a dull white.
"I'm sure Death will want Life's memories back sooner or later."
"Until then what should we do."
"Just wait and watch the show, death thinks I don't know where his little hide out is but little does he know the plans I have in stores for them. Go tell the others that we'll be staying here for awhile longer."
"Sure thing, Gideon."

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