Chapter 36: The Moon And The Earth.

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"Xand did what?" Elliott's voice asked over the phone, his chuckles gradually getting louder by the second.

"He proposed." I replied, chuckling myself as I rearranged the contents of the open cash register in front of me.

After our little trip to the mall together, Alexander and I had been on a couple of fake dates. We usually went to fast food restaurants or the movies, which was fun, but I found it personally entertaining to watch girls drool over him then suddenly back off once they'd noticed me. The reason as to why I was Elliott's replacement last week was because he was in Canada for his cousin's birthday, or birth, not sure which. He wasn't the best at explaining, you see.


I jumped off of the stool and leaped to grab my phone from next to the cash register. "You're on speaker for goodness sake. Yeah, keep screaming."

"That's what he said." Alexander cut in, leaning in over the bar so that Elliott could hear his lame comment too.

"Alexander what's this about you settling down already? What happened to 'bros before hoes' man?" He paused for a second. "No offense Mari, not that you're a hoe or anything."

I rolled my eyes. "None taken."

"And how did you even do it?" He asked. "I highly doubt you claimed your everlasting fake love for her in public."

"You know me so well." Alexander replied sarcastically. "I didn't have to say a word. All I did was get down on one knee and she took care of the rest."

"I'm that good of an actress." I commented.

"If jumping up and down squealing 'YES! YES! YES!' then tackling me to the ground is considered acting then yeah, you nailed it."

Elliott and I both laughed while Alexander scowled at me, seeing that I was the only one present he could do that to. His eyes looked like they were piercing into my skull with invisible laser beams. "Hey, that was an Academy Award winning performance right there." I retorted.

"The only thing you 'won'," he began, faking quotation marks with his fingers, emphasising on the word 'won', "was a free packet of nachos."

I scoffed, sitting back down. "Don't act like you didn't like them."

"Oh shit."

Alexander and I exchanged confused looks. "Elli?"

"Ohhh shitttt. She's.. She's ready!!"

"What? What are you on about?" I asked worrisomely.

A loud scream came from his side of the line accompanied by Elliott's very own freaked out cry. "SHE'S LEAKING!! LIKE, FROM DOWN THERE!! AND HER HUSBAND'S IN THE TOILET!!! WHAT DO I DO?!!"

So I'm guessing it was birth...

"Bang on the door and tell him his damn wife is in labour." Alexander instructed.

He began to hyperventilate. "Oh my God, okay, okay, cool, yeah, I'll do that, yeah, okay.."

Dylan came over with a couple of menus in his hands, ready to place them back on the pile next to the cash register. He stopped, holding the menus in mid air as he eyed the phone in bewilderment. The chopped up words and Elliott's heavy breaths radiating from it. "Do I even want to know?" He asked, looking up at Alexander and I.

I shook my head, feeling bad for finding Elliott's situation funny. Alexander massaged his forehead, clearly not as amused as I was. "Today, maybe?"

"Right." Elliott sighed. Then there was a loud thump and the sound of him screaming "FUCK YOU COFFEE TABLE!!" He paused for a second before continuing. "Fuck okay bye I'll keep you guys updated on what it is have fun on your next date or whatever." He said all in one breath before quickly hanging up.

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