Chapter 29 (edited)

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Edited version: new scene added end of the chapter


Content warning: Strong language

Pushing Daniyal on the swings at the local playground, Nawal was unaware of the cheerful cries of the young children or the chattering of parents sitting on the park benches. The hot sun blared its warmth on her but her soul was frozen. Robotically, she followed her niece and nephew from one slide to the other swing. There was no enthusiasm in her actions. She was fulfilling her duty.

A duty as a daughter.

A duty as a sister.

A duty as an aunt.

And now... a duty as a wife.

When will she ever live according to her desires? Was there anyone who understood her and was there for her despite her flaws? A blue eyed male face appeared in her mind and her eyes brimmed with tears. The one true man who understood her abandoned her at the most vulnerable time of her life. Leaving her behind to engulf in the society's vile accusations and vicious claims on her by those close to her.

It was too late now.

Her eyes lifted to the bright blue cloudless sky and a plea left her lips,

Ya Allah bless me with peace. Only peace. Ameen.

She had given up hope for love or companionship. She desired solace. From this day forth, that's all she will pray for her.

But there is a specific time for supplications to be answered.


The sun was setting bathing the English city in an orange glow. Salman's arm stretched alongside the window frame as he looked out the busy streets of Birmingham.

She never replied to his text. And when he called all he heard from her were one-word responses. Rubbing the back of his neck, he turned to face the bed in the hotel room. He glanced at the jewellery box laying on the bed. A gift. A token of love.

He wasn't able to gift her anything on their haphazard wedding or the days following it. He was much undecided at the best gift for her. But once his eyes had landed on the exotic jewellery, his heart instantly knew it was made for her. He will present her when the time is right and hopefully this will melt away the ice bridge that had built between them.

He had many hopes.

If only... these hopes became reality.

Will they?

He will know soon enough.


It had been three days since Salman had seen Nawal. In the week's marriage, they had hardly spent any time together. Now as he drove to Faraz's home, his heart was beating faster in anticipation. He was tired after the two days hectic conference at Birmingham but it didn't matter all he wanted was to bring Nawal back home. He couldn't imagine going back home without her.

He didn't bother to call her. She was aware that he was reaching back to Dublin this morning and after so many days her anger should have faded or at least simmered that is what he was hoping. With these thoughts, he pressed the doorbell of Faraz's apartment. In a few minutes, she opened the door with Daniyal peeking behind her legs.

Her rosy cheeks were flushing and she had loosely draped hijab on her head, wisps of dark brown locks escaped from under the hijab framing her heart shaped face. Her large eyes widened further as she stared at him.

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