07; Jackass Meets Badass

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verd | im - pyoon | meaning - dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of a statement or motive, to call into question 

07; Jackass Meets Badass

At this point, Miles had learned that when he walked into the boys locker room when he had to change for his physical education class, it was best to breathe as little as possible. That way, you could be suffocated by the unwavering stench of what he could only assume to be a rotting pile of dirty laundry, or possibly a corpse hidden in the ceiling. Either way, the scent was down right ghastly. 

Most of the boys in the locker room were getting redressed, leading Miles to believe that the students from the class before his hadn't completely filed out quite yet. The Argent boy didn't spare a single one a glance, because he knew if they were looking at him, they were probably talking about him too, and he had decided on day one he didn't have time to waste on idiotic teenage gossip. Anyways, he kind of liked the far-off stories some kids had been telling about him being fresh out of an insane asylum, or that his hobbies included skinning woodland creatures alive. It put the fear of god in all of the gullible teenagers so they wouldn't bother Miles. 

Miles paid no mind to the pair of boys bickering behind him as he got changed until suddenly, they stopped. Unless it had to do with a hunting mission, Miles normally wasn't one to eavesdrop, mostly because he hardly ever cared enough to. But he did take notice to when the two boys stopped their hushed banter rather suddenly. Pulling his gym shirt over his head, Miles looked over his shoulder at the two boys to see what had happened. 

The tanner of the two boys, who Miles knew to be Scott McCall, the boy who had gotten caught in Chris' trap, seemed to be frozen in place. His best friend (Miles was pretty sure his name was Stiles) snapped his fingers in front of his face in an unsuccessful attempt to zap Scott back to their conversation. Miles looked down at the frozen's boys hand and began to frown as he noticed it quavering slightly. 

Just as suddenly as he had stopped talking, Scott turned and sprinted into the gym. After a split moment of shock, Stiles hurried to chase after his best friend. It took a few seconds longer for Miles and a handful of other boys to let their curiosity get the best of them as they hurried in the direction the other two boys had gone. 

Miles made it into the gym just into to see an unsupervised girl falling off of the rockwall Coach Finstock had been using recently. Miraculously, Scott had made it to the girl just in time to catch her in his arms before she could crash to the ground. Scott gently knelt to put her on the ground as Miles rushed through the small gathering of people, sliding to his knees next to him. 

"Put her on her side," Miles instructed firmly as he noticed the girl convulsing and quickly made the connection that she must be having a seizure. Without asking any questions, Scott quickly obliged to the older Argents order. 

Suddenly, Allison was standing over the two, and the others in the gym slowly edged closer. Miles, who had quickly glanced down at his watch to time the seizure, began barking more instructions for people to stop standing around staring, and told a handful of boys to go grab the coach, that he almost missed what his cousin had whispered to Scott. 

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