19 / One Moment

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dedicated to calpalpal, belated happy birthday, sweetie. X

19 / One Moment

Alexander / POV

"Hello?" I get that warm feeling as I hear her voice.

My engine roared to life as I turn it on. "Harper, where are you? I have to see you—"

"Let's go on a date." She suddenly interrupts. "Remember the three dates I owe you? We have two more left."

I smiled to myself. "How could I forget?"

There was a brief silence on her line and I felt something wasn't right. "Something's wrong. Where are you?"

"Central Park." She replies.

"Stay there. I'll find you."

I stopped in my tracks as I panted. "Harper!" I called out.

She turned her head and saw me, as soon as she did, she came running to me and engulfed me in a hug.

I held her tightly, her cheek resting on my chest and my chin on top of her head.

"I miss you." She says, her voice wavering.

"I'm so sorry for not believing you." I said as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

She closes her eyes and tears roll down her cheeks.

Worry starts to fill me as I gently squeeze her chin.

"I hate seeing you cry." I mutter as I frown, hugging her once more.

I shook my head "I've been such an asshole to you." I cursed at myself.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper. Kissing her forehead and nose.

"God, what was I thinking?" I rubbed her back as I hugged her.

Her hold on me doesn't loosen. She held on tight to me as if if she lets go, she's going to lose me.

"Harper, look at me." I softly whispered. She sniffs, but carefully lifts her head so her eyes meet mine.

My palms cupped her cheeks and my thumbs wiped her tears.

"I know that things have been very complicated, with Jason, with Melanie..with the engagement.." I said,

"But i'm never going to give up on you. I'll fight for you, even if it means doing it everyday."

She rest her palms on my chest and gently pushed away, looking up at me, she smiled, "About that date—" she paused and I smiled.

"Shall we?" I offered my hand for her to take. She beams, linking her fingers with mine.

"Let's just have a lazy day." She says and I looked at her amusingly.

"What kind of date is that?" I laughed and she grins and shrugs. "I just wanna spend a day alone with you, I don't want to see other people. I just want to be alone in a moment with you." She says.

"I almost gagged at how cheesy that sounds—" I held back a laugh and she hits my arm.

"—but if that's what you wanna do, then my lady gets what she wants." I jokingly bowed.

Harper / POV

We drove to Alexander's house and when we got there, he instructed the security not to let anyone inside the gates, even and especially his parents.

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