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new text message from: unknown number

you're dead, phil.

Phil stared vacantly at the message on the smashed screen as he traced the cracks with the tip of his thumb. Small fragments of glass littered the floor where he had dropped his phone, but at this moment he couldn't care less. It was odd for him - he usually took great care with his belongings and, a few months ago, would have been a blubbering mess if he'd managed to break something - especially his phone. So much had changed since then, though. Things weren't the same anymore, and he definitely wasn't the same person he had been all those months ago.

"Phil, listen, it'll be fine. We don't even know that it's definitely him!" Dan squeezed Phil's hand, in what seemed like an attempt to reassure the raven-haired boy. He wasn't sure, however, if it was actually Phil he was soothing and not himself. How had he been so careless? If he hadn't fought PJ in the first place they wouldn't have been in this mess.

Dan glanced at Phil, who was much paler than usual; his eyes dull and lifeless, much like the swirling grey that filled the sky above. He bit his lip, almost drawing blood as he did so. "This is all my fault, Phil, I'm so sorry." A lump had formed in Dan's throat as he spoke. He felt as though he was suffocating; as if the sea of guilt was drowning him and he couldn't even call out above the waves for help. "I- I'm going to make this right - I promise you, I'll make things ri-"

From beside him, Phil interjected. "Nothing can make this right, Dan," he mumbled, his words dry. "PJ's not dead and we're screwed." Phil shook his head, covering his face with his hands. He stayed like that for, what Dan thought, an age. A woman's voice over the intercom, however, brought him out of his trance-like state. His eyes drifted to the mass of people that had begun to queue outside the door to the jet bridge, their excited chatter distracting him from his worries. Sniffing and rubbing his eyes, he motioned for Dan to get up. "Are we boarding already? Come on, let's go." Dan followed obediently but, as they drew closer and closer to the passport check, he began to panic. What if PJ had alerted the police already? What if they took one look at his name and face and arrested him on the spot?

"Passport, please."

This was it. The small lady waited impatiently as Dan fumbled with his passport, struggling to open it at the correct page. The woman almost snatched the burgundy book out of Dan's hands. Her dirty-blonde hair was scraped back into a tight bun, which pulled at her stern face and, despite being slightly terrified of her, Dan laughed to himself as he compared the woman to an angry egg. She spent a moment staring at the picture on the book; her small, beady eyes squinting as if trying to read a small print. The chocolate-eyed boy shifted uncomfortably in his place. Had she found something? Did she know what he'd done? His heart pounded in his chest, as if trying to escape.

"Alright, have a safe flight, sir."

At those words, Dan almost collapsed with relief, feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted and that he could finally breathe again. Trying to brush off his worry in the least awkward way possible, he cleared his throat and nodded in thanks before retrieving his passport and walking to the doors to wait for Phil, who followed only moments after. Phil looked more like his usual self, colour returning to his cheeks. The excitement must have cheered him up, Dan thought. Phil had always talked about how he loved plane journeys; the build up to actually getting on the plane was his favourite. Dan was thankful that even their current situation couldn't kill Phil's childlike wonder, smiling as the older of the two practically raced ahead to the plane door. He needed this distraction; they both did. Eleven hours of not having to think about PJ would do them both good.

"Dibs on window seat," Phil giggled as they boarded, his eyes scanning the rows for '22', as was printed on their tickets. Dan chuckled and followed him.

"Twenty-two A and B..." Dan said, looking at the tickets. "Hear that, Phil? Twenty-two A and-"

"Found them!"

Phil was already sitting down by the time Dan had looked up, a smile lighting up his face as he patted the seat next to him, motioning for Dan to sit (who did so happily). Pressing a kiss to Phil's cheek, the younger boy sighed contentedly.

"This is it, Phil. We're on our way."

Phil grinned, his tongue poking out slightly. Dan's eyes lit up at this; oh, how he'd missed Phil's smiles. PJ had taken away those gorgeous grins which Dan loved so much and he'd never forgive him for that, or for anything else he had done. Thinking back, part of him regretted what he'd done to PJ, but more of him was proud of it. He had gotten what he had deserved and Dan was just happy it was him that had delivered it. There was no way he would have been completely content with someone else beating up that bastard.

Dan's thoughts were interrupted as Phil slipped his hand into his, squeezing it slightly in excitement. "We're actually doing this, Dan. We're actually flying, like, half way around the world!" He laughed, his tongue poking out again. It reminded Dan of why he fell in love with this boy in the first place, his innocent beauty and wonder brought light to everywhere he went. He truly was Dan's sunshine.

"You know it, babe. California, here we come."

a/n: lol that was soooo bad but hey, it's started !! the first chapter's nearly 1000 words as well isnt that a change from my usual short pieces haha. but yeah im too tired to proof read so tell me if you see anything that needs fixed. comments are appreciated as always <3

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