4: "And you're blocking my heart."

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Because Being Together Is Enough~ 4

He walked with the arrogant façade on his face which was exceedingly annoying. In 5 long strides he was standing near me.

"It's rude not to greet, you know." he commented with his 6'1 frame hovering over me.

I clenched my fists.

"And why on Earth should I greet you?" I retorted.

Wait, was I being rude? Why? What has he done?

"Because I said so."

I guess I was wrong. I hated arrogant jerks.

I rolled my eyes.

"Would you now tell me why you're here because I am very busy to find myself a ride home." I admit I was pissed off with Emily at that moment. How could she forget about me?

"Well, I am your ride home for today. Thank the Lord."

What? The arrogant, stupid and the biggest jerk of all time was my ride back home? Didn't my best friend know that I hate mental cases like him. I thing she has given her heart, brain everything to Albert. Everything comes back to Albert. It's him she loves so much. And she forgot me. Me? Me?

Apparently, Nathan saw me lost in my own thoughts when he added, "Well, if you don't want to come, that's all right with me. As a matter of fact, the best thing for me."

I gritted my teeth. What kind of person did Emily trust to drop me at my home? She was really gullible. But I was not. And I had self-respect.

"Right." I said and turned away from him. Honestly, I felt bad. He hurt my ego. Maybe I was not the type of girl he likes to hang out with and that's why he behaves with me like this. Not only him, most probably all the handsome boys of the school would not give a fuck about an ordinary, not-so-popular and a non-fashionable girl like me...

He didn't even stop me. How rude everybody was. I think I should not let myself hurt from nobodies like him.

I reached the school gate and the guard held it open. It was then I heard a car's horn from behind me. I turned around to see Nathan in his black BMW. The bigger gate was held open for him. Of course he was going to speed off as soon as he gets out of here. I started walking on the side path too busy thinking how I will cover the 20 minute journey to my home.

Beep! Beep!

What the hell? Why was he blowing the horn again and again. I kept my eyes on the front path.


I flinched at my name. It was Nathan.

I turned my head to my right. His car was moving slowly beside me.

I turned away. At that moment I hated him.

Well, if you don't want to come, that's all right with me. As a matter of fact, the best thing for me.

His words echoed in my mind. Why was I being affected so much? He was just a nobody.

I guess that I was more upset with Emily than with Nathan. Indirectly, I knew I was upset with Albert.

"Jones." he called out again.

"What?" I snapped at him. He looked startled for a second and when he didn't speak, I felt my anger rising, "Now, do you want me to be staring at your beautiful car? You wanna show off how rich you are? Is that it? Then sorry sir, I won't give you that pleasure."

I was shocked at how angry I was. I spoke whatever I felt about him. Indirectly. Now, he was going to make a joke out of it. I was doomed.

And I guess I was right. He laughed.

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