93 The cat girl

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"I will not let them hurt you.", promised Yoshiro.

Vigorous, she shook her head. "You can't protect me from the whole world."

"Maybe not, but I'll do my best."

Kenji also tried to calm her down. "Relax, Yuna-chan. No one wants to hurt you. This is just a brainstorm."

"Just shut your mouth already, Kenji-kun.", hissed Shinji firmly.

The huntress suddenly felt different. She raised her left hand and bit her index finger. Nothing. Her power had activated when she felt threatened. Yoshiro glanced at her.

"Are you okay?", asked her mentor.

She quickly nodded. "Yes."

Yuna closed her eye and relaxed. She felt a slight tingling sensation in her abdominal region and re-examined her condition by biting her finger. It tweaked.

She steered her emotional state back towards threat and could almost feel how her power started up. To check, she bit herself again. Delighted laughed the girl, earning puzzled looks from the other passengers.

"I can control it."

"Are you sure?", reassured Yoshiro himself. Yuna nodded.

"Cool. Then you just have to become stronger." Kenji winked at her.

"I could slice your throat.", purred the girl sweetly.

"Not cool, sister." They both laughed.

"That will have to wait. We are there.", mentioned the driver.

The blue-haired had not noticed that they had left the highway. Now the car stopped in front of a rusty gate, which prevented them from moving on. They were surrounded by trees.

"I'll go." Yoshiro appeared at the gate and pushed it open with some effort. Shinji drove on and passed through the gate, then stopped again. The yellow-skinned closed the gate and appeared next to Yuna on the back seat. "Good. Drive on." The driver nodded and accelerated.

The girl felt a little uneasy. She didn't know what to expect. What if the other Oni would not be friendly to her? What if they were even hostile?

"Don't worry, Masuda-san.", said the undertaker. The huntress gritted her teeth and activated her power again. Shinji Shiba chuckled.

After a few more minutes of driving, a decrepit-looking building complex came into view. In terms of size, it was probably an abandoned Inn. Shinji steered the car into a parking, where some other vehicles were already parked. Some Oni stood together, chatting and greeting each other. Others were climbing up the steep stairs to the reception building. Yuna looked at the strange figures. In fact, she discovered several Oni, who were almost indistinguishable from humans.

After Shinji had parked the car, they got out and walked towards the stairs.

"Just look. Nisha-chan is really here.", beamed Kenji, when he discovered his crush.

"Then get going, Romeo.", Shinji encouraged his friend.

"I don't know what to say."

Naughty grinned the undertaker. "Just don't set her on fire." Yuna put her hand on her mouth and snorted.

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now