(22) Licked The Taste Of Death

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Hey guys! How's it going?

I want to thank the people reading and voting and commenting in this and my other books.

Have I told you guys that this specific book is in #Wattys2016 ? That my other books are in the Wattys too? No? Oh...

It would be great if you'd go back to your favorite chapter or chapters and vote for it, heck, leave a comment if you want to!

I'd really appreciate it.

Enjoy 😊


"What... What are you wearing?"

Charlie swayed his hips and flipped his imaginary long hair, "It suits me, huh?"

"......." I remained silent as I fixed the papers on my desk. "Seriously Charles, what are you wearing?"

He chuckled before fixing his skirt, "A fairy suit."

"I... I get that." I stomped the pack of papers, "But... why?" I whispered, still not getting the fact on why he's wearing something girly.

"You see, Vanch." He struts towards me and twirled on his tiptoes, sprinkling silver dust around. "I'm going to be sharing the magic and earning money!" Then he winked at me, "I'm hitting two birds with one stone."

I frowned, other than the fact that he is currently making a mess in my office, but also for the fact that he's working for her.

While I work for my self and family, he always works for her; risking his life and his ego for her. -And here I thought he moved on

"Did Beth hired you?" I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"Nope." He strutted towards the door and turned around. "You did."

With a final wink and imaginary hair flip, he left the room.

Damn me for having amnesia.

Sighing, I took a sit and watched the outside of my office through the window.

Cars. Cars everywhere. It's funny how I'm not fazed with cars even if it almost brought me to death.

"Chel!" The door slammed open, making me jump and stare at Beth with wide eyes.

"Beth!" I gasped, standing up and gave her a tight hug. "You're late!"

"I am!" She nodded, pulling away from the hug, "I was taking care of Dean and it was traffic and-" She paused, "Oh right... you don't remember him."

Dean. "Who is he?" I asked, taking a sit on the top of my desk. "I mean, is he a special someone in your life?" I teased her. "Plus, what happened to him?"

"He's my..." She was silent for a second, before smiling. "My boyfriend for a month."

"Really?!" I gasped, "Nice! But... why does his name echo in my head if I just... knew him?"

"What? You were friends." She shook her head and stared at me, "He was with you during the accident. He's currently in the hospital as we speak."

"No." I muttered, "Charlie said I was alone. I was not with anyone during the crash."

Her eyes widened, "But-"

"Charlie wouldn't lie to me, Beth." I chuckled nervously, "I mean, why would he? Right?"

She grabbed something from her bag, which was a rolled up newspaper. She unrolled it and gave it to me.

It's our town's daily newspaper, and this specific one was addressed on the same date as my crash. I looked at it and I was shocked at what was written on the bottom right of the front page.

2 Young Adults Licked The Taste Of Death.

That sounds weird...

And then there was a photo of my old car, and me being carried towards the ambulance with another familiar guy.

And I bet with all my money, that that's Dean.

"Vanch, Mrs. Ruviolo's back!" Charlie barged in with a wide grin, before stopping on his track when he saw what I was holding. "... I can explain."

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