NOTE!! Very Important.

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I hope you all know what 'Y/N', 'F/B',  and etc., means, if not well I might list them before each chapter or if I didn't, well, It may be because for obvious scenes/scenario.

Keep In Mind that the order if characters are:
6.Jay x Kai
7.Lloyd x Kai
8.Cole x Jay
9.*Your Ship
10.*Your Ship
11-15. Still No Ideas, Yet.
Scenarios' Chapters may range about 10-15 Chapters.
(I know this will be a loooooong book.)

See you all later at Kai x Reader

And Also a Big shoutout to pizza_pasta90201 for creating the cover, and also to juliannecarmel just in case you want to read her books and also pizza_pasta90201's art book!

Side Note:
Any Request/Ideas/Suggestion is accepted
Don't be afraid to ask I'll give a shoutout to people who Suggested/Requested


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