chapter 81✿

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There are so many things I have to say about Luke leaving and yet, I can't even find the words to form a sentence. Never did I think that I would have something like this to deal with. Saying goodbye to the one person you never want to leave you is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do.

Marjan Satrapi once said, "Saying goodbye is a little like dying." I understand what she meant by this. Because saying goodbye to Luke is like having a piece of me vanish.

"May?" Luke breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I say.

"We uh—we better leave now so I won't miss my flight."

"Oh, right." I say as I stand up off my bed.

We go downstairs and get into the car. The car ride to the airport is completely silent, other than the occasional cough from Luke. Neither of us know what to say. We both know that in less than an hour, Luke and I won't see each other until Christmas. In less than an hour, our lives will both change.

We get to the airport and I park the car. We go inside and go through customs and then sit in the waiting area until Luke boards his flight.

"Are you not going to say anything at all?" Luke says lowly as he intertwines his hand in mine.

I shrug. "I can't say anything without crying."

How did I get to this point? How could I let someone become so important to me that now I feel like nothing without him.

"Come on, it'll barely be like i'm gone. We'll facetime everyday, and text and call." He says.

"It's not the same. It won't ever be the same." I say.

He sighs. "I know."

We sit in another silence until the intercom calls out Luke's flight number.

"Well, that's me." He says.

We both stand up and face each other. He engulfs me in a hug and we stand in the embrace for what feels like forever. I think we both know we could possibly be ending right here and now, neither of us just wants to admit it.

"I love you so much, May."

"I love you, too." I say.

"I'll see you at Christmas, I promise." He says.

I don't say anything, I just nod my head. Here it is. It's finally happening. The moment i've been dreading for months. The moment Luke leaves me.

"Goodbye, Luke." I say quietly.

"Hey, don't do that. Don't say it as if it's the last time we're ever going to see each other. I'm going to see you in less than 6 months, okay?" He says.

"I'll see you soon then?" Luke asks.

I nod my head as tears fill my eyes. "I'll see you soon."

I kiss him one last time before I turn around and walk out of the airport, not looking back. I know that if I look back, i'll run back to him and beg him not to leave. And I know if I beg him to stay, he will. That's not fair to him.

I get inside my car and immediately burst out into tears. I'm completely alone now.


After almost twenty-five hours on a plane, I finally land in England. I get my bags from baggage claim and walk towards the doors. I see my mother standing with her boyfriend at the doorway. I smile as I walk over to them.

"Oh my baby!" My mother says as she engulfs me in a hug.

"Hey, mum." I chuckle.

"Hey buddy." Vince says to me once my mother releases me.

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