Chapter Six

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Curling and uncurling my hand I winced as the purple bruise blossomed along my knuckles. I hadn't expected punching someone to hurt this much.

"Here," Vic said, offering me a packet of frozen peas wrapped in a towel.

"Thanks," I said, taking the packet and draping it over my knuckles and wincing again at the weight.

Vic sighed, shaking his head, "Give it here."

Taking the frozen packet of my hand I offered it to him.

"Your hand too," He said.

Holding out my hand he grabbed my wrist gently and rested the ice pack on it. The coolness was soothing.

"I don't know how guys fight with each other all the time. It hurts, " I muttered.

"You didn't need to punch him Rach, I don't need you to fight my battles for me," Vic muttered in response.

"Well you weren't going to."

I hated when he did that, when he seemed to scold me for doing something yet he wouldn't do it himself.

"Vic, you can't keep letting those guys push you around", I sighed.

"Why not? I'm not like you Rachel. I can deal with these things because I know that one day when me and the guys make it big, Danny and his crew will be still working at Burger King", Vic said, adjusting the cold pack.

"Could you not just stand up to them? Just tell them your not gay or whatever? Just once?" I pleaded.

Vic was quiet for a moment and I wondered if the reason he didn't stand up for himself was that he actually was gay. We'd never really discussed relationships or sexuality. I'd always just assumed it was that he was a guy and didn't want to talk about the girls he liked with me, a girl. I mean I made no difference to me weather he was gay, straight, asexual, he was still my best friend.

"I'm not gay," he said after a while.

"Don't tell me. Tell Danny," I sighed, resting my head against his shoulder.

We both knew Vic had won the argument but I wasn't willing to admit that and I knew Vic would never rub it in my face, he was too kind.

"So what are we going to do for the rest of the day?" Vic asked, breaking the silence

"Wanna go for a walk?" I suggested.

"Sure", Vic stood up, letting go of my wrist and taking the towel wrapped peas from my knuckles, "You'll want to put the ice back on your hand when we get back if you want the swelling and bruise to go away."

"Since when do you know so much about injuries?" I asked with a playful smile.

"Since you stopped going to Health", Vic replied with a grin, unwrapping the peas and putting the packet back into the freezer.

"Health is pointless so I ceased to go", I said logically.

Vic laughed, and turned back to me, "What do you do then?"

"I wonder the halls recruiting members for my gang."

"Gang?" Vic asked as we walked from the house and I locked the door.

"Yeah. Oh didn't you hear? I'm starting a gang", I joked, "We meet during last period Health."

Vic was almost doubled over with laughter as we cut across my front lawn.

"How are we friends?" He asked finally.

The question was rhetoric but I answered it anyway, "You saw me and was like 'she's too cool not to hang out with' and bam! Friendship."

Vic laughed as we walked down my street, "I remember it very differently."

I laughed as we slowly fell into a comfortable silence.

"You know what?" I said finally, "I really want some ice cream."

"To Ben & Jerry's we go then", Vic answered.

I nodded in agreement. It didn't take long to reach the ice cream parlour. Walking into the empty store, we walked over to the counter and rang the bell. A dark haired teenager walked out from the back of the store.

"Oh hey guys", He greeted us, "What can I get for you?"

"Hi Rian, Ah I'll have two scoops of strawberry sorbet. Vic?" I replied before turning to Vic.

"Two scoops of Mint Chocolate Chunk, thanks", Vic said.

Rian was in our year and I wondered why he was working during school time. He began to scoop our ice cream into cones.

"So why aren't you in school?" Vic asked voicing my thoughts.

"I had a free this afternoon and my boss called me in to cover someone", Rian said with a shrug as he handed Vic and I our ice cream.

I thanked him and walked to the cash register, pulling a ten dollar note from my pocket.

"I got it Rach. I owe you anyways", Vic said, pulling out a note from his pocket and giving it to Rian.

"Thanks", I said as we walked out of the store, "Bye Rian."

"Bye guys", Rian waved to us and I waved back.

Walking across the street to the beach we sat on a bench and looked out over the ocean. Small waves were rolling in and a warm breeze rustled out hair. Savouring the sweet flavour I looked over at Vic who looked deep in thought.

"What you thinking about?" I asked quietly.

"Oh nothing, nothing", he dismissed my question.

"Come on. Tell me", I pushed nudging him in the side, "I'm your best friend Victor. You have to tell me."

He frowned at my use of his full name, "I'm just thinking."

"'Bout what?" I asked again.

"Life and stuff", He looked up at me, his eyes were sad and I wondered why, "Don't you just want to leave sometimes? Go somewhere far away?"

I nodded although I knew he wasn't looking at me, "All the time."

"Yeah me too", He replied quietly.

We sat in silence for what felt like forever eating our ice cream slowly. It was a comfortable silence, one that only comes between friends.

"So are you going to formal?" Vic asked finally, breaking the silence.

"Maybe. I don't know. I haven't really thought about it", I replied with a shrug, "What about you?"

He opened his mouth before seeming to decide against whatever he was going to say and speaking, "I guess maybe. Come on we better get back to your place before the guys get there."

I frowned at him. He brought the topic of formal up and now it was if he didn't want to talk about it.

"Yeah. Okay let's go." I said standing up we began the short walk back to my house.

Reaching my house I spotted Jaime's truck parked out the front immediately. Sitting on the hood was Jaime and Tony with Mike leaning against the side. Coming around the corner we walked over to the car.

"Well you two took your sweet time", Jaime huffed as we walked over to the car.

I watched Vic roll his eyes and laughed. Walking to the door I unlocked it and the guys followed me inside.

"Welcome back to Casa A La Rachel", I said with a small bow, "Your humble abode for the weekend."

"Get up", Vic said with a laugh.

Standing up straight I turned to walk into the kitchen, "If you guys wanna head down to the basement I'll get the drinks and we'll start the weekend right."

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