Part 32

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Robert's POV

After carrying Aaron home because he was really tired, I tucked him into bed, got changed because thanks to Vic, I had coffee all over me. I then went downstairs. There's nothing to phone rang, and it was Nicola. What does she want? Me-Hello? Nicola-You need to get your butt here now, there's the big party thing that you planned and our guests are here in ten minutes!! Me-What? That's next week! Nicola-He moved it, come on he's gonna be here soon! Me-Oh yeah, really reliable business partner you, I'm on my way. I hung up and put my phone on the coffee table, then wrote a note for Aaron in case he wakes up before I'm back. This could take ages! I walked out, quietly closing and locking the door, and started jogging to Home James. They're lucky I'm wearing smarter clothes today, I thought.

Aaron's POV

I woke up in bed. Wait, how did I get back here? We were at Vic's! I got up, and called out. "Robert?". No answer. Maybe he's gone back to Vic's. As I grabbed my keys and went downstairs, I nearly missed the note on the coffee table. It read "Sleepyhead!! I've gone to work, some guy moved a meeting forward:( might take a while too :(( xxxx", and I smiled, before heading off to the scrapyard. Once I got there, I put on my hi-vis and started taking a Ford apart. "Ooh, look who turned up!" Adam yelled behind me. "Alright, alright I know I've been slacking, I'm sorry" I apologised, and Adam patted my shoulder before walking up to the portacabin. "Want a drink?" He asked. "No, thanks. You seem in a good mood" I replied. "Just excited about having a kid, I can't wait!" He exclaimed, and I smiled at how happy my best mate was.

Robert's POV

"Thank you, you wont regret this" I said, as I smiled and shook the man's hand; I'd just landed a massive deal and I was in a good mood. Jimmy walked in from the garden of the b&b, which is where this party was being hosted. "The man with the food is being difficult" he muttered. "What do you want me to do about it?" I asked, annoyed. Does he have a brain in his skull? "Well, people listen to you, don't they?" He pointed out, and I sighed before walking outside. "What's the problem?" I asked, walking over. "Nothing, just your partner asking questions about the food being 'safe enough'" he replied, and I smiled, trying not to go back inside and shout. I signed the sheet and a few of the men we'd hired started to move it all inside.

Aaron's POV

"I'm gonna clock off, mate" Adam told me, and I nodded. "All right, I got this" I replied, and Adam grinned. "You're alright with this?" He asked. "Yeah, I need to work more anyway" I replied, and Adam smiled. "Cheers, bye Aaron" he shouted as he put his hi-vis in the portacabin and drove off. I continued working for a while, thinking I was alone...until a gun was pressed to the back of my head. STAY CALM, STAY CALM, I thought. "Don't. Move" I heard someone hiss. Chrissie. "How the fuck did you get out of jail?" I asked, stood still as a statue. "If you have the right money, you pay the right people. I didn't know you were that thick, husband stealer". "You're still not over all that stuff?" I asked, ever so slowly getting out my phone. She grabbed it, and threw it across the portacabin, possibly breaking the phone. "Oi, that's fairly new! Do you reckon I can get my money back because a prisoner escapee threw it across a room?" I asked sarcastically. "Shut it, or you get a bullet through your head" she hissed again, as she walked round to face me, and what I saw I wasn't used to. Chrissie's usually smart clothes were replaced with a beige tracksuit, her shoes were white trainers. Her eyes had bags underneath, and she looked terrible in general. "I must say, jail's worked wonders for you" I told her, and she glared. " I meant it, shut up or you wont be seeing your precious boyfriend again!!" She yelled at me, and I laughed. "I don't like to hit girls, but if you keep waving that around I'm going to have to" I said, and retorted "Do you even know how to use a gun, Chrissie?". "SHUT UP!!" She yelled again. "Get on your knees, and put your hands behind your head" she added, and I did, hardly fretting about what could happen.

Robert's POV

I was sat at one of the tables at the b&b, waiting for this party to end. Everyone else was having a great time but I just wanted to go home, I was tired and bored. I decided to text Aaron, to see if he was awake. "Are you up yet sleepyhead? xxxx". I sent it, and tried to at least look like I was enjoying myself at this party. "Did a decent job, Robert!" Nicola says as she walks over. "It's better than decent, I always do a fantastic job Nicola" I told her.

Aaron's POV

"You're fucking sick" I spat at Chrissie. "You're sick, not me. I don't steal people's husbands!" She yelled at me. "No, what you are, is a coward. If you're gonna shoot me, you'll have already done it" I said, getting up. She pointed her gun at me, her finger on the trigger. To be honest, I couldn't care less if I died. "Get down. I'LL SHOOT YOU!!" She shouted, her hand shaking slightly. "You can't, you won't and you know you won't" I told her, moving closer. "GET BACK ON THE FLOOR NOW!!" She screamed, but I didn't. "Give me the gun" I ordered her. "No, get on the floor" she said back, her hand shaking a bit more now. When I didn't move, she screamed again. "GET BACK ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!!" And shot the gun, just a few centimeters from my head. She'd bought a silencer, no one was going to hear this.

Robert's POV

I was stood outside when I swear I just heard Chrissie scream. What the fuck? I listened out, but I didn't hear anything for a few minutes. But I heard it again, and I was sure I'm not hearing things. It sounded like it was coming from the scrapyard...I walked down to the scrapyard and I heard shouting coming from the portacabin. "GET BACK ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!!" I heard someone yell, and I was sure its Chrissie, but she's in jail, isn't she? I look through a window and I almost threw up at what I see. Aaron on the floor, trying to get the gun off of Chrissie who is aiming it at him. I knew if I went in straight away, I'd be trapped too. I walked a bit away from the portacabin so no one heard me on the phone, and dialed 999. Me-Police. Operator-What's your emergency? Me-My ex wife who's escaped from jail has my boyfriend hostage in his workplace, she's got a gun! Operator-Alright, try to stay calm no matter what. Where is your boyfriends workplace? Me-Er, the scrapyard in Emmerdale(ahahahahaha forgot how to spell the name I'm sorry xD), Yorkshire. Operator-Okay, I've sent some police around. They should be about ten minutes. Me-Thank you! Oh, she's coming, I have to go. I hung up, and braced myself before going into the portacabin. "Hey-What the fuck?" I shouted, it overwhelmed me again. Chrissie looked at me, and glared. "GET DOWN"she yelled, and I did, next to Aaron and she sighed and practically screeched "Pathetic!!". "Chrissie do us a favour and shut up will you?" Aaron asked, rolling his eyes. I looked at him, and whispered "How are you not scared?!". "She's a coward" he whispered back, and I felt the gun on the back of my head. "You know Chrissie, I've already been shot. This would be so unoriginal" I told her, trying not to tremble. "Good job I brought this then. Isn't it?" She asked. I felt a knife pressed to my neck. Come on, police. Where are you?

Aaron's POV

Shit, shit, SHIT. I could see a tiny trickle of blood on Robert's neck. "Chrissie, don't hurt him. What did he do?" I asked her, and Robert gave me a mortified look as Chrissie moved over to me and put the knife on my neck and the gun to my head. "What are you doing?!" He asked, shaking now. I mouthed back "saving your life". "You're right, you're the one who started all of this. You should die first" Chrissie said, and she pressed the knife deeper against my neck until I could feel my blood ever so slowly trickling down my neck. "Bye bye, husband stealer" she said. But before she could do anything, a policeman ran in, with a gun pointed at Chrissie. "Put the gun down, ma'am" he yelled. This one was Jared. How the fuck did they know about this?

Robert's POV

Chrissie threw the gun down, and the knife. I was lucky it missed me. Another policeman came in, and they cuffed her, and had to drag her to the car as she was kicking and screaming. "Are you two okay?" He asked. "We're fine, Jared" Aaron replied. Does he know every policeman?! "You'll both have to come and make a statement" he told us, and we both nodded. I got up, and helped Aaron up. That cut on his beck was bleeding quite a bit, but ge seemed fine. "Are you alright? Do you need something, for you neck?" I asked. I knew the small cut on mine had stopped bleeding and scabbed over, but Aaron's hadn't at all. "No, it'll be fine" he replied, and I hugged him, really tight, and he hugged me back. I was crying, he could have died today! "Should I be the one asking you of you're alright?" He asked, and I giggled. We let go of each other, and nervously climbed into the police car to go and give our statements.


Hi guys! This was meant to be a much longer chapter, and a better one, but most of it got replaced with random code :( so yeah here's the shitty version for you! I hope you don't hate it :)

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