Kitty-Kat (Yaoi boyxboy)

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"Alex? Hey Alex, are you even listening?" The sharp voice of Daniel cut through my day dreaming, making me blush.

"Er, yes.." I say, my cheeks turning a dark shade of crimson, as Dan stares at me with his bright blue eyes.

"So, you can come to the party tonight, yeah?"

"Um, sure, I guess", I brush a lock of curly blonde hair from my eyes as I stand up to leave, grabbing my lunch tray in one hand and walking over to the exit. The sound of Dan's voice beside me makes my heart beat faster. What noises would he make as he plunged into me, I bite my lip as I feel my member twitch in my jeans.

Shit, no. If I start thinking these sorts of things here, I'll get hard in the lunch hall, and that would be hard to explain to the guy who still sees me as just a friend.

I dump my tray and wave good-bye to Dan as I walk to my classroom, my hands shoved into my pockets to avoid the stinging cold November air.

As I open the door to the room, a wave of warm air hits me, melting the numbness from my cheeks as I sit at my desk and half-heartedly listen to the conversation flowing around me. The final lunch bell rings as Mr. Dutch walks in and places a pile of books on the table.

"Right, I marked your homework from yesterday", He drawled on, explaining this and that. My concentration ebbed away, as thoughts of my one sided love took over.

The maths lesson rolled by slowly, almost painfully and a sigh escaped my lips as the bell rang, signalling the end of classes. I dragged my bag from under my desk and shoved my books inside, before strolling into the car park, and unlocking my Polo.

I sat in the front seat, about to turn on the engine, when I heard a knock on my window. Dan..

"What's up?" I wound down the window and turned on the engine, all the while staring into his eyes.

"Um, I know this is kinda awkward to ask", Dan rubbed the back of his head and shifted his gaze. "But, um, do you like er, me?"


My mind went completely blank as I stared at him, my mouth hanging open.

"I know it's stupid, but, some girls pointed it out to me today. I mean, I don't hate you, if your um, gay, but-" He trailed off and stepped away from the car.

"Yeah.." I heard myself whispering, an obvious tone of regret in my voice. Dan groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, momentarily closing his eyes.

"It's OK," I started my hand fumbling for the window button. "I'll stay away from you".

My finger pushed down on the CLOSE WINDOW button, as I slammed on the gas and sped out of the parking lot, tears streaming down my cheeks. Everything was ruined. And it was all my fault.

I wiped away the tears angrily, attempting to give the road my full attention, but as I was doing so, a blurry white thing shot across in front of my car. The tires screeched as I hit the brakes, my head only centimetres away from the top of my steering wheel. What the hell was that?!

Seconds passed by as I checked I hadn't broken anything. In the rear-view mirror, I saw all of my books had crashed onto the floor, spilling papers out onto the dirty carpet. Brilliant.

I stepped out of the car and slowly walked round the the front, my eyes catching on a muddy bundle of fur curled up in front of my front left wheel. 

"Oh please God, no.." I crouched down beside the little body and picked it up, relief flooding through me as I felt it purr in my arms. It must have passed out from shock.

The cat looked up at me with big amber eyes, which stood out vividly against it's white coat, and stuck out its tongue before licking my nose. I felt my inner girl take over as I took the cat round to the front passenger seat, fussing over it loudly. It was just too cute, the way it looked at me, and even though I had never regarded myself as an animal lover, I just felt drawn to this one.

The cat curled up on the seat next to me, as I carefully started up the car engine again, and headed back to my apartment. I could feel it watching me, and every so often I would turn my head and smile, a feeling of content sweeping over me as I did.

The apartment block loomed ahead of me, and I frowned, deep in thought. One of the many rules of the building was no pets aloud, and this was going to be a problem.

"My backpack..." I muttered to myself as I parked the car next to a dirty looking jeep, and reached into the pack, grabbing my bag.

I looked regretfully at the cat. "I know it's not ideal, but it's only going to be for a few min-" I stopped speaking mid sentence, as I felt something brush past my chin, and a soft purring sound came from my bag.

"Amazing.." I mumbled as I grabbed the rest of my books and locked the car, before walking inside.

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